Pilates rings are practical additions to your workout. We show you which exercises fit perfectly with the Pilates ring.
Have you ever tried Pilates? The sport is reminiscent of yoga, but in fact there are many differences between the sports.
If you want to spice up your Pilates workout a little, a Pilates ring is a good idea. The flexible circle, also called Pilates Circle, can be integrated into various exercises and makes the fitness workout even more effective.
Do you want to do sports? We introduce you to some Pilates ring exercises for arms, legs, buttocks and belly, which you can easily imitate at home. Happy sweating!
What does the Pilates ring bring?
Basically, you only need sports clothing and a sports mat with the Pilates. If you want to make your workout even more effective, you can do the exercises with Pilates ring.
Pilates rings like this from Tchibo* or thisModel at Amazon* consist of an elastic material that can endure a lot of pressure. You have different diameters. There are two handles on the outside so that you can better grab the Pilates Circle during training.
Which muscles are trained with the Pilates ring?
With the Pilates ring you train both the upper and lower body- from your shoulders to your legs. The ring acts as an additional resistance.
So you can gently strengthen your muscles and also improve your attitude. By the way, the Pilates Ring also requires the muscles of the middle of the body - this is how you also make the deep muscles fit!
A Pilates ring has many other advantages:
- There are a lot of different exercises and possible uses - you will certainly not be boring!
- You get effective training without heavy weights. As a result, the risk of injury is also very low for beginners.
- You don't have to go to the gym, you can do the exercises directly at home.
- Not only the strength is promoted, coordination and stabilization also play a major role.
- Unlike some other home trainers, the round training equipment is not very expensive.
- The ring is light and handy. So you can just take it with you anywhere.
Who is a Pilates ring suitable for?
In principle, the Pilates ring is intended for all people. It doesn't matter how much experience you have. The ring is also wonderfully suitable for new Pilates newcomers. Because no large forces are exercised on the body, such as weight lifting, so it is not so easily injured.
With the Pilates Ring you can, among other things,:
- Prevent or treat muscle problems.
- Build muscles.
- Install stretching exercises in the training plan.
- Improve your coordination.
Incidentally, because the movements are so gentle, the sport is also ideal for young mothers after childbirth, which are slowly approaching fitness again. They can train the pelvic floor with the device.
Suitable for this: Gentle gymnastics - train your entire body with Pilates
Pilates ring exercises for the belly
You want to go to yourwork? A strong core not only looks good, it also stabilizes the middle of the body and relieves the spine. Here are a few training ideas especially for the belly:
Especially abdominal muscles

1. Just lie down on your training mat (Buy directly on Amazon*) And put the feet as wide as your hips. Slide your hands over your head and hold on the Pilates ring from the outside.
2. Breathe out and slowly straighten up the upper body. The hands stay stretched over you and hike with the movement towards the knee. Consciously tense the abdominal muscles! The neck and head muscles should not be responsible for the movement.
3. Do not set up completely, but remains slightly leaning back, so that the abdominal muscles are tense. Keep the position for a few seconds and return to the starting position with the exhaling.
Lateral abdominal muscles

1. Lay on the side with your legs outstretched on your training mat. Place your head on the lower arm and support you with the upper one in front of your chest so that you don't fall around.
2. Slims the Pilates ring between the calves. Consider and raise your stretched legs as far as possible towards the ceiling and hold for a few seconds.
3. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise on both sides.
Pelvis, abdominal muscles and adductors

1. Lay on your yoga mat and place the Pilates ring just above the ankles between the shin legs.
2. Stretch your legs up and support yourself with your arms. The palms show too matte, their hands towards the hip. The body now describes a kind of flattened V.
3. Push the Pilates ring together and then let it go again. Repeat the exercise several times.
Pilates ring exercises for thighs and buttocks
Who wants a nice crunchy butt and strong thighs? You can also easily train this part of the body with the Pilates ring:
Lower back and thigh

1. Lay on and put your legs. The feet should be about hip width. Lay off your hands loosely next to you.
2. Hold the Pilates ring between your thighs above the knee. Now slowly raise the hips until your belly forms a line with the thighs. Don't tip off in your hip! Try to tense your abdominal muscles so that you stay nicely straight.
3. Now slowly and consciously stretch your leg below the knee until thighs and lower legs form a line. Hold for a few seconds and stop. Then repeat the exercise with the other leg.

1. This exercise begins very similar to the previous one. Lay on your mat and put up your knees. Make sure you keep your back.
2. Hold the Pilates ring between your thighs, just above the knee. Lifts the buttocks.
3. Press the resistance ring together. Make sure to tense in particular your buttock muscles. Keep for a few seconds and return to the ground.
Inner thigh

1. Lay on your training mat and put the legs hip -wide. Put your hands next to the body. Variation: support yourself with your hands and sit upright, as in the picture.
2. Slims the Pilates ring between your legs, just above the knee. Then slowly squeeze it together and breathe out.
3. Hold and slowly loosen. The exercise performs several times.
Pilates ring exercises for arms and shoulders
For many, training of the upper body is the most unpopular part of the workout. But that doesn't have to be! Here are a few simple exercises with the Pilates ring that get the arms, shoulders and back in motion:
Breast muscles and biceps

1. You can do this exercise while standing or sitting. If you are sitting, you should set up your legs and place your feet safely on the floor.
2. Then take the Pilates ring in your hands and stretch your arms slightly bent forward. Push the ring together and then slowly let it go.
3. Repeat the exercise a few times.
Shoulders and back

1. Place your stomach on your mat and hold the Pilates ring between your palms.
2. Push your legs back and your hands forward. Now lift the upper body and legs slightly and hold the position for about 10-15 seconds. Also tense your buttocks to activate the muscles there.
3. Then slowly return to the starting position and relax briefly.
Breast muscles, arms and trapezoidal muscles

1. Set upright and place your feet about shoulder width on the floor.
2. Hold the resistance ring between your hands and stretch your arms forward. Keep them slightly bent. Then press together vigorously, stay in this position for a few seconds and then solve the exercise. Repeat!
3. Variation: In the same position you can also activate the trapezoidal muscles. For this you raise your hands slightly bent over your head and press them together. Keep your back straight and tighten your stomach.
Not in the mood for building muscle? Then the Pilates Ring is also wonderful as a tool for stretching exercises. Especially if you are not so agile, the ring helps to make your limbs slowly more flexible. You can find many instructions on YouTube.
Important note at the end:Your body is as individual as your character. You yourself have to find out for yourself which diet and which training form best suit you. Don't let others put you under pressure. Basically, however, the following applies: a active lifestyle with a balanced diet and a lot of movement is still the best way to stay fit permanently and to achieve or maintain a healthy weight.