Yoga in the morning – start the day relaxed and full of energy

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For the perfect start to the day: the yoga sun salutation

In this video, yoga coach Andrea Szodruch shows you everything you need to know about sun salutations. So you can start the day relaxed but still full of energy.

Start the day relaxed and full of energy: Find out how yoga in the morning brings your body and mind into balance!

Imagine waking up and instead of feeling stressed and rushed, you feel calm, balanced and full of energy. Sounds too good to be true? Not with yoga in the morning! Discover how a simple yoga routine can transform your morning and help you start the day relaxed and full of energy. Let's start a day full of positivity and serenity together!

Why yoga in the morning?

Yoga is a millennia-old philosophical teaching from India that combines physical exercises (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayamas), meditation and relaxation exercises. There are more than 90 different styles of yoga, and the composition of each element varies depending on the style.

Yoga in the morning can help bring more movement into your daily routine, increase flexibility and improve brain function. Yoga has many benefits: It reduces stress, ensures relaxation and recovery, stretches muscles and ligaments and, depending on the exercise, strengthens certain muscle groups.

Reading tips:

The benefits of yoga in the morning

  1. Energy for the whole day: Many people drink a cup of coffee or tea in the morning to wake up. But yoga can also have a similarly invigorating effect. The stimulating combination of exercise and deep breathing improves the body's oxygen supply and stimulates blood circulation.
  2. Metabolism and digestion benefit: If you practice a few asanas as soon as you get up, you can not only look forward to more energy for the day. The metabolism is also stimulated and supported throughout the day.
  3. Immune system support: The stretching, stretching and twisting during the yoga flow in combination with targeted breathing is also said to have a positive effect on the immune system, at least that's what some studies have shownStudies.

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In the HÖRZU magazine podcast, sports scientist and bestselling author Prof. Ingo Froböse promises: “We look inside the body - and say what we can do for it.” The expert also presents simple exercises for in between - so that everyone is FIT & HEALTHY remains. New every 14 days on Mondays.

Yoga in the Morning: A Guide

There are some yoga exercises that are particularly suitable for the morning. Here are some examples:

  1. Sonnengruß (Surya Namaskar): This exercise is a series of twelve powerful yoga poses that together form a sun salutation. They are a great way to warm up the body and gain energy for the day.
  2. Shoulderstand (Sarvangasana): This pose helps improve blood flow and can help relieve stress and depression.
  3. Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana): This pose helps calm the head and can help relieve stress and mild depression.
  4. Kind-Pose (Balasana): This relaxing pose is a great way to calm the body and prepare for the day.

Tips for morning yoga practice

  1. Go to bed on time, so that you are really well rested when you have to get up.
  2. If possible, always get up at the same time– yes, even on weekends.
  3. Find “your” alarm clock: Maybe you need a light alarm clock (here at Amazon*), a radio alarm clock – or possibly just a super loud alarm clock.
  4. When your alarm goes off, you should get up immediately– the snooze button is taboo.
  5. Stretch and stretch in bed, until you're ready to get out of bed.

Always the same program is too monotonous for you? AtGymondo*You can try out many different yoga and other sports options, all in the comfort of your own home.

Also read:: These exercises help you fall asleep


Yoga in the morning can be a wonderful start to the day. It has many health benefits and can help you feel energized and balanced throughout the day. Try it out and see how a regular yoga routine can transform your morning!


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Note at the end:An active lifestyle with a balanced diet and plenty of exercise is still the best way to stay fit and achieve or maintain a healthy weight.