Loyal soul: This is how sweetly your dog shows you how much he loves you

Small gestures, big love: Learn how your dog shows you his affection in 10 sweet signs.

Dogs are considered to be man's most loyal companions and are often affectionately referred to as "best friends". But what exactly makes their love for us so special? Anyone who has a four-legged friend at home knows that dogs show their affection in their own unique way - from wagging tails to small gestures in everyday life.

If you are sometimes unsure whether your dog really loves you, I have put together 10 clear signs that will show you how much your furry friend appreciates you.

1.He wags his tail happily

A dog who loves you will often greet you with an enthusiastic wagging tail. Especially when the tail flies back and forth in quick movements or even the whole body swings softly, this shows pure joy. This behavior means: “I’m happy you’re here!”

2.He is looking for you

Dogs are pack animals, and if your dog follows you wherever you go, it shows that he considers you part of his “social group” or “pack”. Whether he follows you into the kitchen or makes himself comfortable next to you on the sofa - he just wants to be with you.

3.He snuggles up to you

When your dog leans against you or rests his muzzle on your leg, it is a sign of affection and trust. This behavior shows: “You make me feel safe and secure.”

4.He licks you

Gently licking your face or hands is a classic love sign in dogs. It's their way of saying, "You're important to me." This behavior dates back to when they were puppies, when they were cared for by their mother, and symbolizes care and connection.

5.He brings you “gifts”

Similar to cats, dogs also show their love by bringing you something. Whether it's his favorite toy, a stick, or even an old pair of socks, he wants to make you happy and share something with you.

6.He'll be happy when you come home

Whether you were gone for just 10 minutes or for an entire work day, when your dog greets you with exuberant joy, it shows how much he missed you. Prancing, barking and wagging his tail are his way of saying: “You’re finally back!”

7.He looks deep into your eyes

SeaScienceDogs release the bonding hormone oxytocin when they make eye contact with their humans - similar to mother-child bonding. When your dog looks you kindly in the eyes in quiet moments, that is his silent “I love you”.

8.He sleeps near you

Sleep is a period of vulnerability for dogs. If your dog decides to sleep next to you or even at your foot, it means that he completely trusts you and feels safe around you.

9.He “smiles” at you

Yes, some dog breeds can actually smile with joy. According to the behavioral scientist, they have this behaviorcopied from us humans. Some dogs therefore recognize that showing their teeth between people is a good thing.

So if your dog looks at you with relaxed, slightly raised lips and a relaxed posture, this shows contentment and affection.Important:Of course, the smile should not be confused with a threatening snarl of teeth.

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10.He protects you

Dogs are protectors by nature. When your dog puts himself between you and a perceived danger, he is showing that he loves you and wants to protect you. Whether it's a loud noise or a strange visitor - his behavior says: "I'm looking out for you." Conversely, this also means that you can give your dog security by positioning yourself between him and a perceived threat.

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Important NOTE: This article is for informational purposes only. Please note that individual behaviors that an animal shows you must always be understood in the context of the situation. Before you bring a pet into your home, always consider the great responsibility that such a creature brings with it. If you already have a pet and have questions about health or behavior, please contact your veterinarian and, if necessary, an animal trainer.