Unpleasant and stubborn stains can quickly form when cooking. With these home remedies, your ceramic hob will be clean again in no time.
When cooking, things can quickly get turbulent in the kitchen: the potatoes are bubbling over, the soup is splattering, and before you know it, the ceramic hob is full of stains. It becomes particularly annoying when the stovetop is still hot and the dirt literally burns into it.
The result: dried-on stains that are often difficult to remove. But don't worry - there are a few things you can do to get your hob clean again in no time.
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Prevent and get rid of stains on the ceramic hob
It is not for nothing that it is said that good preparation is half the battle. You can protect your ceramic hob before a stain has spread. It is important that you wipe your stovetop with a damp cloth after each cooking and then polish or wipe dry with a soft cloth.
Even if you can't see any stains with the naked eye at first, limescale, grease and other dirt can accumulate on the plate over time. If we then continue to cook with the plate, they will burn. This can be easily avoided with regular wiping and is super quick.
Cleaning ceramic hobs: home remedies for stains
White spots are caused by limescale. Either you are dealing with very hard water that leaves limescale stains as it evaporates, or your cleaning agent is contributing to the problem. Certain additives in cleaning products can cause the minerals in the water to split off, resulting in unsightly white spots on the stove.
Vinegar or citric acid
The limescale can no longer be removed with water. Anyone who has ever cleaned a bathroom knows the problem. Only acid helps here. The simplest and probably most environmentally friendly means are includedVinegar or citric acid.
You can simply dilute vinegar in water and spread the product on the ceramic hob or cut a lemon in half and rub the cut half onto the hob. Then let the home remedies work on the plate for a few minutes. Depending on how dirty it is, sometimes half an hour. You can then wipe the ceramic plate with clean water and polish it dry.
baking powder
Baking soda is a popular home remedy that can also be used to clean hobs.
To do this, mix the baking soda with a little water and spread the paste over the stain. Let the whole thing take effect for 30-60 minutes. You can then wipe off the paste and stain with a damp cloth.
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Insider tip for burnt-in items: dishwasher tabs
If the worst case scenario has occurred and the sauce has boiled over onto the plate, the stain can no longer be easily wiped off. Now it is still important to react quickly. If you let the stain dry for weeks and continue to burn in, you may not be able to completely remove it later.
- Step 1:First turn off the heat. Then let the plate cool to hand warmth. It is important to leave some residual heat as this will help loosen the stain.
- Step 2:Soften the stain slightly by wiping it with a wet rag. Use warm water for this too.
- Step 3:Particularly stubborn stains should also be treated with a special cleaner. Stick to the exposure time recommended by the manufacturer.There's a ceramic hob cleaner on Amazon* here.
- Step 4:Now comes the ceramic hob scraper (is available here on Amazon*) for use. Place it at a 30-degree angle to scrape away the dirt. If the angle is larger, you could scratch the field when scraping.
- Step 5:Once the stain has been removed, you should wipe it again with a damp cloth and then wipe the plate dry with a soft cloth.
But if that doesn't help, you can try cleaning the ceramic hob with oneDishwasher tabletto clean. Crumble the dishwasher tablet and mix the crumbs with a little water to form a paste.
You can then distribute these over the entire ceramic hob. After about 15 minutes, the paste should be removed with a wet cloth. Then wipe with a dry cloth. The ceramic hob shines like new again!
Make ceramic hobs more dirt-repellent
Once the stain has been removed, you can then seal your ceramic hob. To do this, use a polishing cloth to spread a small amount of ceramic hob cleaner on the plate and rub it in thoroughly.
The principle works similarly to waterproofing shoes: by distributing the product evenly over the plate with a cloth, a thin protective layer forms on the ceramic hob.
This protective layer ensures that dirt is repelled and stains cannot burn in as quickly. So it is a preventative measure to make future cleanings easier.
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Aids for scratches
Ceramic hobs are actually quite easy to care for. They tend to repel dirt and don’t require much care. Every now and then a mishap happens and suddenly the plate is scratched. If the scratch is not very deep, it may still be possible to polish it out. There are special polishing pastes for ceramic hobs available in specialist shops, but you can also use ittoothpasteattempt.
All it takes is a small amount of paste or toothpaste, rubbed onto the scratch with a soft cloth. The edges of the scratch are rubbed away, making it less visible or invisible.
After rubbing, the paste is removed and the plate is wiped dry with a polishing cloth. If the scratch is still visible, the process is repeated.
Danger:You shouldn't press too hard! Otherwise you could rub off too much and unintentionally widen the scratch. The end result would then be worse than before.
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