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In advance in the video: How harmful are cola light and Co. really?
Every now and then everyone grabs the thirst for a sweet drink. But instead of reaching for the much sugared original, many of us rely on a light or sugar -free version to sin healthier. But is that really healthier?
Some are Team Cola Zero, the others more Team Cola Light. But where is the difference? You can find out here.
But what is the difference between the two soft drink variants? Do you taste the same or different? At this point, opinions differ greatly. Some are clearly Team Cola Light, others are convinced that Cola Zero is more similar to the "real" cola.
We got to the bottom of the question. Find out the real difference between the two soft drinks here.
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That is the difference between Cola Light and Cola Zero
Everyone who says Cola Zero is more likely to get the taste of the original cola, now get good news: You are right! In fact, according to the manufacturer, Cola Zero is more based on the classic cola. Cola Light, on the other hand, has a slightly different taste. And according to the manufacturer, this difference also has a simple reason:"The composition of the sweeteners and flavors is different", it says on the side ofCoca ColaDeutschland.
In addition, the two soft drinks differ slightly in theirCaffeine content. While Cola Light contains 24 mg caffeine per 200 ml, Cola Zero is only 20 mg per 200 ml.
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Nevertheless, some claim that the two varieties are only a sophisticated marketing strategy from Coca Cola. However, the manufacturer emphasizes that blind tastings have been able to prove that there is a difference between the two cokes.
Despite the taste difference, both cola varieties have a lot in common. Both Cola Light and Cola Zero combine that they do not contain any sugar and therefore have no calories. If you look at the nutritional information from both products, they are almost identical. Both contain only 0.2 kilocalories per 100 milliliters.
Which cola variety you ultimately favor remains an individual decision.