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Not only should we protect ourselves from the cold in winter. Our cell phone battery also suffers a lot at low temperatures. What you should consider in the cold, we tell you.
The low temperatures in winter are not only difficult for us. The extreme temperatures are also anything but optimal for technical devices that are exposed to the cold. We reveal why you should protect your smartphone from the cold.
Smartphone is better not to expose the cold
We constantly carry the smartphone with us. On some winter days it is therefore exposed to enormous cold, for example when we get it out to navigate or make calls. However, very few know that this leads to a loss of battery performance.
Because the battery of your smartphone containselectrolyte-A liquid that leads lithium ions and thus ensures that an electrical load is created. So the electrolyte isPrerequisite for thisthat the cell phone batterychargedbecomes and your smartphonerunningholds.
But like any liquid, electrolyte changes in the cold. It becomes more viscous so that it is no longer so well guided. The result: the battery power leaves considerably and the battery suddenly goes empty much faster than usual.
Fortunately, this usually does not harm the battery in the long term. But who knows that it will be traveling all day long should a charging cable or a power bank (You can put this model from Amazon directly on your cell phone*) Take it with you so as not to stand there with an empty battery.
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Tips to protect the cell phone
So that there is no sudden drop in battery performance, you can protect your cell phone with simple measures. Wear it as close as possible to the body, ideally in an inside pocket of your jacket.
It also helps to get the smartphone out as little as possible. If you want to navigate outside, it is best to use headphones and let yourself be announced. The same applies to phone calls.
So that the battery recovers quickly, you should then load it correctly. That means: at room temperature up to approx. 80 percent. This can compensate for the cell phone battery better than full charging or even overloaded (i.e. not to take the cell phone off the plug at 100 percent).
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