Thalia celebrates Female Voices: Books of women who inspire

The voices of women were kept silent in history. Books are therefore all the more important: they let women have their say - loud, clear and unmistakable. Whether fictional or real, women tell stories that move, encourage and shake up. Stories dealing with challenges and resistance, of great dreams and self -determination.

This variety of stories awaits you at Thalia - both online and in the bookstores on site. Regardless of whether you are looking for a novel that takes you, a biography that inspires, or a clever non -fiction book that opens up new perspectives, here you will find books for every situation. Because reading is so much more than a hobby: it helps us to see the world with different eyes and learn from strong role models.

It starts in childhood! Books show the little ones that every voice counts. They help them to understand their feelings, to discover the world around them and find their own place in it. Because if you learn early that stories have strength, you can later write history yourself.

This is why Thalia celebrates not only on World Women's DayFemale Empowerment: Women who touch with their stories change the world and accompany us on our own trip.

Romance of and for women - strong voices, movingStories

Women created great great things in literature - and often had to fight for a long time to hear their voices. Mary Shelley created at the age of just 19Frankensteins Monster“And thus justified the science fiction genre. Jane Austen wrote about love, society and female self -determination at a time when women hardly had their own rights. And to this day, authors tell stories that touch and shake us deeply.

This is exactly what showsMareike Fallwicklin „And all so quiet“ (Order here from Thalia*). In it she shows with a shocking force what it means when women have been silent too long - and what happens when they demand their voices back. A novel about anger, solidarity and the courage not to stay still.

Discover the Spiegel bestseller at Thalia here*Credit:Rowohlt /

That women have to fight against social limits again and againChimamanda Leather Addin „Dream Count“(Vö 04.03.25) on (Pre -order here from Thalia*):

Four women, four fates - connected by their fights and longings. They navigate between Nigeria and the USA through love, motherhood, career and injustice. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie urges the female strength, the challenges of modern women and the fine moments when their fate is decided.

Here are the long -awaited new novel by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie* order*

Sometimes it is not just inner battles, but very real threats that women have to withstand.Buzzy Jacksons Roman „We were only girls“ (Order here from Thalia*) Tells of young women who fought in the resistance against the Nazis. Based on true events, the book shows what it means to stand up for freedom and justice - with all the risks that this entails.

From real stories to valuable tips - books that inspire

Books help us to see things from new perspectives, to better understand relationships and to deal with topics that we encounter in everyday life. In particular, advisors, non -fiction books and biographies from and about women show how much strength is in female perspectives and how important it is that they are heard.

What makes our female body so special? In "We superhero“(Vö 12.03.25,Pre -order from Thalia now*) takes the gynecologistDr. med. Dorothee Bienerus on a fascinating journey through the miracle of the female body. She cleans up with myths, explains everything important about cycle, hormones, sexuality and health - and shows why every woman is unique and great. Scientifically well -founded, inspiring and opened!

Order “We superhero” here from Thalia*Credit:Penguin /

There are also areas in which women are systematically overlooked to this day - and not by accident. ""Invisible women“ vonCaroline Created-Perez(Order here from Thalia*) It impressively shows how our world was built according to male standards. From research to urban planning to medicine, women were simply not considered in many areas. The non -fiction book keeps us the mirror, draws attention to structural inequalities and shows why we urgently need a new consciousness.

Children's books for little explorers: inside and big adventures

No child is born with prejudices. Openness, empathy and the courage to be yourself are characteristics that can be encouraged. And books play a crucial role in this. Especially stories that strengthen diversity and self -confidence have a big impact - and often we adults can still take some of them with them.

How important it is to believe in yourself, says "Mut“ vonWai Mei Wong(is available here at Thalia*) in a sensitive way. In the picture book, a little girl faces great challenges and recognizes that courage does not mean not to be afraid, but despite the fear. A wonderful encouragement for children (and adults!) To grow beyond themselves.

"Courage": Here you get the picture book from Thalia*Credit:Zuckersün Verlag/

That clothing knows no limits. "Clothing is for everyone“ vonSusann Hoffmann(Order here from Thalia*) clearly clearly. Why should pink only be for girls or pants only for boys? This book clears up with old clichés and shows that fashion can be fun - no matter who wears it. A colorful invitation to more freedom and self -determination, which gives children the feeling: you can be exactly as you are.

And who actually says you have to commit yourself early? ""I can just be everything!“ vonFrances Stickley(Order here from Thalia*) Celebrates the variety of possibilities and explain to children that they can become everything they imagine. A book that stimulates the imagination and also teaches that there is no "right" or "wrong" way.

The beautifully illustrated children's book is available here at Thalia*Credit:Loewe /

At Thalia there are an infinite number of stories that touch, inspire us and just don't let go. Look over online or browse in your favorite bookstore on site and discover the book that suits you exactly.

Discover even more reading inspiration at Thalia here*: