Panner hydrangea: If you cut them so much now, it blooms more lush than ever in summer

It is time to cut the panicle hydrangea. Read here how you should proceed to experience a lush bloom in summer.

The 2025 garden season has officially started for me. My first official act: cut back the panel hydrangeas. Because their flowers, which are now naturally brown, are still standing.

My neighbor, who works as a gardener, kindly reminded me that it was time for the pruning. You can find out here how you go properly so that the shrubs bloom in summer.

Why should you cut panicle hydrangeas?

Many myths rose around hydrangeas. The reason for this: hydrangea is not equal. Depending on the type, you have other requirements in terms of care and also the pruning.

Like the snowball edition, the panel hydrangea is part of the variety that trains its flowers on the new shoots. So when cutting, you do not have to fear that you will harm the plant if you go radically.

On the contrary: a courageous cut ensures that the panicle hydrocensia flows vigorously and develop more and larger flowers. Because: It can put her energy fully on the training of the new flower shoots and does not waste into old shoots, where only leaves form.

When should I cut panicle hydrangeas?

The ideal time is in late winter or early spring, fromIn mid -Frebruary to the latest at the beginning of March at the latest. Then the plant is still in the resting phase in many places and can cope well with the pruning. It is best to choose a frost -free day.

You shouldn't wait too long with the pruning of the panicle hydrangeas, because this shifts the flowering period backwards.

Incidentally, in the late winter you should also be the panel hydrangea and the snowball hydration in the late winter.

How do I cut panicle hydrangeas correctly?

When cutting panicle hydrangeas: don't be afraid! The first time I had to overcome myself to shorten the shoots. But it's worth it.

This is how you proceed correctly when it comes to pruning:

  1. Cut off the faded inflorescences:If the old flowers are still on the shrub, they are now cut off so that the plant can be freshly exhaust.
  2. Strong pruning:You can shorten the shoots to 30 to 50 cm. This gives you growing growth and promoting large flowers.
  3. Remove old and weak wood:You should completely remove older, woody or very thin branches so that the plant puts its strength into new shoots.
  4. Sight out in older plants:If the shrub has become very tight, you can remove some shoots at the base to create space for air and light.
The faded panicle hydrangeas should be cut radically up to 30 to 50 cm above the floor. Kahle stems remain and that is exactly right.Credit:Adobe Stock

Don't be afraid if the panicle hydrangea bushes look bare and sad after cutting (do that too). The impression can even arise that the plants are dead because they look so naked, brown and dried.

But don't worry: the hydrangeas are only in hibernation and, as soon as it gets warmer, will quickly exhale from the so -called "sleeping eyes".

Also read:

My experience with the pruning

I am now cutting my panicle hydrangeas in the second year and can assure: A strong pruning ensures that the flowers become more lavish in summer.

So, dare! The right cut is the key to a lavish floral splendor. Your garden will thank you - and your panicle hydrangea even more.

Also exciting:

Which hydrangeas should not be cut back?

Before you go, an important info: not all types of hydrangea can take a radical cut. Peasant hydrangeas (Hydrangea macrophylla), plate hydrangeas (Hydrangea Serrata) and oak leaf hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia) bloom on the old wood.

This means that you already create your flower buds for the coming season last year. A pruning that is too strong can lead to the flowers failing. In these types of hydrangea, only dead or damaged shoots should be removed and a light shape cut should be carried out.

So take a closer look at what type of hydrangea is in your garden.

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