Roses can be found in many well -kept gardens. They are available in a wide variety of colors and sizes. A distinction is made between wild roses and cultural roses. There are particularly often cultural roses in ornamental gardens.
In order to ensure lush and dense growth of the roses, these should be cut regularly. However, there are differences here depending on the type of rose. You can find out here when, how and how often the roses should be cut.
Reading tip:
The rose cut is important so that the roses continue to bloom lush and do not lose vitality.It is almost an anti-aging measure for the flowers. First, the cut leads to a strong new sprouting of the roses and secondly, the plant gets more light. After a rainfall, the leaves can then dry faster again, which prevents fungi and other plant diseases.
What the cut looks like depends on whether it is shrub, ground cover or climbing roses. Regardless of the type of rose, all roses must be cut in spring.
Reading tip:
It is difficult to determine on a certain calendar day when the rose cut is due. Rather, you should follow the weather conditions and keep an eye on the growth of other flowers. The roses only drive out at milder temperatures. If we are still in the middle of winter, the time for the rose cut has not yet come.
The flowers of the gold bells (forsythia) play a good indication. As soon as you bloom, a good time is to start with the rose cut.
Cut roses, but what?
As a tool, you should use a sharp garden scissors, best to use a so-called bypass scissors for roses. It is important that it does not squeeze or tear down the shoots, but cuts. For larger shoots you should use pruning shears.
There are bypass scissors for roses at Amazon* already for less than 20 euros. With over 2730 positive reviews, this is certainly not wrong with this garden scissors from Fiskars. For around 50 euros you already get high -quality pruning shears:
>Here you can shop a high-quality bypass ail scissors from lion.*
Cut roses: This is how you proceed
Before the cut, you should remove all dead, frozen and sick shoots and leaves.If you recognize leaves that are affected by a mushroom, they should also be removed to prevent further spread.
Cut is completelyJust over a budthat points to the outside, and slightly slanted. It is important that the cut surfaceonly slightly turned intois because the wound surface should be as small as possible.
Also read:
In the case of rose cuts, a distinction is made after drives 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th order and the main shoot.Drives that grow directly from the main shoot are part of the 1st order. Drives, which in turn grow out on the main shoot, belong to the 2nd order and so on.
Here is a little overview of the cut at different types of rose:
Slightly growing: cut back to three to five shoots with three buds.
Rapidly growing: cut back to three to five shoots with five buds.
Cut strong shoots on 5 buds, cut back weak shoots on 3 buds.
The weaker the rose grows, the fewer shoots should remain (approx. Three to four in weak and five to six with roses rapidly).
First let grow so that there are enough drives. Drives that formed in the previous year are shortened a maximum of one third. Cut the other shoots back to three to five buds per drive.
Cut back to a third of the natural height, cut drives to different heights and do not leave too many shoots. (Disposable varieties are only cut back after flowering.)
Disposable shrub roses and wild roses
Do not cut, only remove the sick, dead drives. After five years, cut off the main drive close to the ground in spring.
In general, strong shoots should be cut back a little regardless of the variety. This means that many buds bloom. Weak shoots, on the other hand, should be cut back more. As a result, the few buds can bloom lushly and newly forming shoots are becoming stronger.
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