Here you can find out which tricks florists use to keep roses fresh in the vase for longer. A tip particularly surprised.
Shortly before Valentine's Day, red roses are more in demand than ever. The lush large flowers just look great. The problem: long -stemmed roses are expensive and you are stored incorrectly, unfortunately do not last very long.
So that you have a long joy in your freshly bought (or gift) roses in the vase, there are a few tricks so that the cut flowers last longer.
Home remedies from the kitchen: Roses remain fresh longer
There are many tips and home remedies for long fresh flowers on the Internet. Unfortunately, most of them have hardly any or no or the opposite effect.
For example, you can save yourself a copper coin in the vase. Aspirin or vodka also has no business in the flower water. The high -proof is supposed to kill germs, but the concentration that would be necessary harms the flowers.
However, you are not entirely on the wrong steamer with the idea with the vodka. But instead of schnapps you should have one against bacteriaSpray vinegaradd to the flower water, so flower expert Brigitte Ross advises inBR television.
Florist reveals tricks so that roses keep it longer
In addition to the splash of vinegar in the flower water, there are a number of other professional tricks that ensure that roses in the vase last longer. We asked the florist Beatrix Schöll for her tips. Here are 8 things that extend the durability of roses:
1. Pay attention to you look fresh when buying the roses. Avoid brown spots or points on the leaves. The flower should not be open too far, but not entirely closed either.
2. Always use clean vessels for fresh flowers. Rinse the vase with mild soap beforehand and a lot of clear water. For long -stemmed roses you should use a high, rather narrow vase. Smaller, more bulky vases are also suitable for shorter free -range roses.
3. Cut the flower stem with a sharp and clean knife 1-2 cm diagonally and remove all leaves to the top and thorns. The leaves should never touch the water.
4. Fill hot (non -boiling) water up to 2/3 into the vase and put the roses in. The high temperature ensures that the roses can better absorb the water.
5. Make sure not to put too many roses in a vase. Select the flowers better over several vases.
6. Use the enclosed freshlock and change the water completely every two days. In the new water, for which you no longer have the granulate from the florist, you give a dash of vinegar.
7. Place the bouquet of flowers in direct sunlight or too close to radiators. You should also avoid closeness to fruit. For example, apples but ethylene that lets other fruit mature faster. Cut flowers nearby can wither faster.
8. Place the vase outside at night to a rain -protected place. So the cut flowers last much longer.
We hope that the tips will help you extend the durability of the beautiful flowers. For even more practical everyday knits, have a regular look at!