Dry laundry faster: You definitely need to know the rice trick

With this trick your laundry will dry faster!Credit:AdobeStock

Does your laundry take forever to dry? These two brilliant hacks will save you time & energy.

Drying laundry – one of the most annoying tasks in the household. Not only does the dryer use a lot of energy, but the laundry often still remains slightly damp. And if there is no separate laundry room available, the only option is the drying rack. But in the middle of the apartment it is a real space hog and often lasts for hours.

All the better that we are upTikTokhave discovered an ingenious trick to help laundry dry faster both in the dryer and on the drying rack. Two simple hacks that you definitely have to try!

Drying laundry: This is what you should pay attention to

Before we get to the clever hacks, there are a few things you should keep in mind when drying your laundry - whether in the dryer or on the drying rack.

1. Spin the laundry well before hanging it up
After washing, make sure the clothes have been thoroughly spun. Many washing machines have the option to repeat the spin cycle. This is particularly worthwhile for thick fabrics such as towels or jeans, as less water remains in the fibers and the drying time is significantly shortened.

2.Ventilate well
Air circulation is key for dry laundry. In closed rooms without fresh air, the moisture literally remains in the air - this extends the drying time and can lead to unpleasant smells or, in the worst case, even mold.

3. Distance between garments
If we wash a lot of items, they all have to find space on the drying rack. But laundry that is hung close together dries much more slowly. So make sure that each item of clothing has enough space so that the air can circulate well.

    Laundry in the dryer: This way the laundry dries faster

    If things have to happen quickly, the dryer, if available, is often the first choice - even if it consumes a lot of energy. But a simple trick that we discovered on TikTok should significantly shorten the drying time and save energy at the same time:

    All we have to do is put a dry towel in the dryer with the wet laundry! The highlight? The dry towel acts like a sponge and absorbs some of the moisture from the wet laundry. This should shorten the drying time significantly. A clever and simple hack that not only saves time but also electricity.

    The rice trick allows laundry to dry faster on the drying rack

    If you don't have a dryer or prefer to air dry your favorite items, thanks to TikTok we have found an ingenious trick that should shorten the drying time:

    All you need is one (or more) nylon stockings and some rice or cat litter - depending on what you have at home. Now fill the rice or litter into the stocking and hang it on the rack with the laundry.

    The filling in the sock absorbs moisture from the surrounding air and ensures that the clothing dries faster. Important: The stocking should be tightly closed so that nothing falls out. Especially in small or poorly ventilated rooms, this trick works like a small dehumidifier and doesn't require much effort.

    By the way: cat litter also neutralizes odors., you can quickly get around this.

    You can see the two laundry tricks again in the video here:

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