Do you really know everything about your cat? Cats are stubborn animals with their own likes and dislikes. We'll tell you what your cat doesn't like.
Our cats are not only cute, they also have a lot of fun! The animals spread their fur all over the apartment, scratch the furniture, knock over the decorations and make a huge racket in the middle of the night.
If you've ever wondered why your cat follows you to the toilet and why he runs away every time you put on your new perfume, then you should pay attention now. We'll tell you ten things cats don't like.
1. What cats don't like: Being stared at
Cats can be so cute when they turn their fluffy tummies upwards while sleeping, groom themselves extensively or chase after their favorite toy. No wonder we could watch our cats all day long.
The problem: Cats don't like it when we stare at them all the time or - even worse - constantly look them directly in the eye.
In the best case scenario, your cat will just think you're pretty rude. In the worst case scenario, it will unsettle and frighten them. She might even want to beat you up. Why? Cats stare at each other when they are about to fight. It is therefore a threatening gesture.
So in the future it's better to blink or watch the cat out of the corner of your eye.
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2. What cats don't like: Loud noises and noise
As soon as we get the vacuum cleaner out of the cupboard, our cats' moods drop to their lowest point. Reactions range from a condescending death stare to an immediate flight under the bed. The reason: cats hate noise.
No matter whether you like to listen to loud music and dance around the apartment, whether you are stressed out with your partner again or whether you scold your cat because it has done something: shouting and noise of all kinds will always only achieve your goals One thing: that your cat runs away as quickly as possible.
The reason is simple: cats have very sensitive hearing and most are very sensitive to loud noises. You quickly feel unsettled and stressed by sudden noise.
3. What cats don't like: Changes in routine
Cats are creatures of habit. It comforts them to know that they get their breakfast and dinner at the same time every day. If you forget to set the alarm clock, you can be sure that the cat will alert you to this mistake. Cats don't like it when things change in their environment. Changes can unsettle and frighten you.
Cats find change anything but great. Are you moving or have you bought a new piece of furniture? Are you having a baby or has your boyfriend moved in with you? Or maybe you just moved the litter box a little further to the left?
Congratulations, your cat has zero understanding and is probably pissed off now. In the worst case, so much so that she pees in your apartment. So always try to introduce changes carefully. Also means like Feliway(available here at Zooplus*) that are plugged into the socket can make cats feel safe and relaxed.
If a mishap does happen, you can find out the best here.

4. What cats don't like: Strong smells
Cats are very clean animals. A cat litter box that is not cleaned regularly is therefore not to their liking. But cats are not only very sensitive to unpleasant smells in the litter box. Cats have a keen sense of smell and cannot tolerate strong smells.
Because of their sensitive nose, they also don't like typical kitchen smells such as onion, garlic, vinegar or cinnamon. Most of these foods are even poisonous to cats! Have you ever wondered why your cat suddenly freaked out when you rubbed yourself with menthol or sprayed room spray with a citrus scent? Cats also hate the smell of essential oils.
But to come back to the litter box: Your nose may be happy about scented cat litter, but it definitely won't be your cat's.
Reading tips:
5. What cats don't like: Water
Cats + water = hate. If you've ever dared to accidentally send a few splashes towards your cat while washing dishes, you probably know that cats can zoom off at the speed of light.
Of course, as with everything, there are exceptions, but most cats can easily avoid coming into contact with water. Therefore, you should definitely not bathe them unless it is necessary for health reasons. Cats are very clean and take care of their own fur.
The situation is similar with drinking water. Most cats only like this if it's fresh and hasn't been sitting around for a few days and is full of lint. The best option is a drinking fountain, because the flowing, fresh water encourages even lazy cats to drink.
6. What cats don't like: Being woken from their sleep
Especially when cats are sleeping, they look incredibly cute and we quickly get the irresistible urge to pet their soft fur.
But cats don't like being constantly woken from their sleep. Instead of being in a cuddly mood, they can become really grumpy. So give them time for their beauty sleep, as cats sleep up to 18 hours a day.

7. What cats don't like: Boredom
While we're on the subject of sleep: cats hate boredom and openly express their displeasure. For example, through penetrating meowing or scratching on the furniture. Normally our house cats are tooexactly thenwell-rested, wide awake and ready for any outrage when we lie blissfully asleep in bed at 3 a.m.
Have you ever sat bolt upright in bed in the middle of the night because it sounded like a wall had just collapsed? Yep, firstly your cat is bored and secondly he hates being ignored by you.
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8. What cats don't like: Locked doors
Once you've made the mistake of closing the door, the fun really begins. Because: Cats are little stalkers and control freaks and can't stand it when you exclude them.
So be prepared that from now on you will never go to the toilet alone again. Please also introduce your new partner to your cat first before inviting him over for the night. Cats are curious animals that like to explore everything.
9. What cats don't like: Being touched all the time
There is nothing better than cuddling with your cat and listening to its soothing purr. However, as a die-hard cat owner, you know that cats don't want to be petted all the time and, above all, cuddling usually follows their own rules.
If your cat comes to you, strokes your legs or nudges you with its nose, it means it's in the mood for a few cuddles (or it's hungry again). However, if your cat is doing its own thing, it usually doesn't want you to constantly go to it to pet it.
And it should be clear to everyone, but holding the cat by its tail is an absolute no-go.
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10. What cats don't like: Being taken on vacation
You see them all the time on Instagram: Adventure Cats. And yes, there are certainly exceptions to cats who enjoy driving and going on adventures with their owners. But the average (indoor) cat finds very little enjoyment in traveling.
Therefore: Avoid unnecessary jaunts with your cat in your luggage in order to take it with you on vacation. It's not just the car journey that is stressful for your cat (after all, you can only go to the vet's office by car), but also the change of location.
Cats are one thing above all: very local and feel comfortable in their familiar surroundings. They're also little control freaks who hate change.
If you take these ten rules to heart, nothing will stand in the way of a relaxed life together (as a slave to your cat).
Ultimately, cats are still the best roommates. And to be honest: a hair-free household with privacy is overrated anyway.