Clean sustainably: That is why you should wipe dust with fabric softener

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Clean dust made easy

You definitely have a miracle cure at home.

Are you also one of the people where the dust is back? Then you should try fabric softener. That removes dust sustainably.

Cleaning is not a nice matter for many. Unfortunately, it is part of it if you don't want to sink into the dirt at some point. You are happy when the annoying dust, vacuuming or cleaning windows is quick and easy.

On the other hand, it should not only be quick, the effect should last long in the best case so that it does not have to be cleaned again after a few days. So you are constantly looking for the ultimate plaster tips. In fact, we have found a miracle cure with which you can at least say the fight for the dust.

And the good thing about it: you definitely have it at home.

Use fabric softener to clean

Ok, the discussion as to whether fabric softener is now good for washing the laundry or not, let's leave out now. Finally, opinions differ. But when cleaning, the fabric softener belongs to the miracle cure when cleaning dust.

How does that work? Very easy. Add a small amount of fabric softener to the wiping water and thus clean over the surfaces. The fabric softener is intended to prevent dirt or dust particles from settling off after a short time. You can do without more cleaners.

Since I couldn't believe it myself, I had to try the fabric softener trick myself directly. Daub is my final opponent. And what should I say? It works. Of course, even after a while, dust stops on the surfaces. But it feels like it takes a lot longer.

I don't know whether this is just a coincidence because there was less dust in the house or the fabric softener really has an anti-dust effect. I will definitely continue to use the fabric softener.

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What else is fabric softener suitable for?

Fabric softener seems to be an all -rounder, because there are numerous other tips on the Internet, for which you can still use it in the household. Here are a few more plaster tips with fabric softener:

Fabric softener as a fresh air

In most cases, fabric softener contains additional fragrances. These are wonderful to refresh the air and let the apartment smell wonderfully. Simply put a few drops of fabric softener together with a little water in a spray bottle. In bad smells, just spray and enjoy the pleasant fragrance.

Piling fabric softener to furniture

Fabric softener is wonderfully suitable as a furniture polish. To do this, mix some water together with fabric softener and thus carefully polish the furniture. It doesn't matter whether it is wood or plastic furniture. It is important that you use a soft cloth and do not make it too wet. It is enough if it is damp.

Danger:You shouldn't clean glass surfaces such as windows or mirrors with fabric softener. This leaves streaks and makes the windows look even dirtier.

You can find more household tips here: