Strengthen your immune system with vitamin E: How to protect yourself from pathogens

Especially in the cold winter and at the beginning of spring, many people want theirsStrengthen the immune system. Because our immune system protects us from pathogens and can significantly accelerate the healing process. This makes it all the more important to supply the body with all important trace elements, vitamins and minerals. As part of a balanced diet, vitamin E plays a crucial role in our health. We explain to you why and which foods are considered real vitamin E bombs.

Vitamin E protects the body's cells

Vitamin E is essential for the human body and, above all, fulfills a protective function. It protects the cells in our body from free radicals, supports fat metabolism and is considered a natural antioxidant. That's why it can strengthen our immune system. A vitamin deficiency can lead to, among other things, tension, frequent inflammation, muscle breakdown and nervous system and vision problems. It is therefore all the more important that everyone covers their daily requirement of the cell protection vitamin with their food. For men the recommended amount is 14 mg and for women 11 mg daily. For adolescents, the daily requirement can vary between 11 mg and 15 mg.

This means you can cover the recommended daily dose with a healthy diet

If you eat healthily, you can easily cover the recommended daily dose. Vegetable oils in particular, such as corn germ, sunflower, peanut, wheat germ, soy and olive oil, are rich in vitamin E. However, it is very important that the food is stored correctly. The vegetable oils should be stored in a cool, dark place and in airtight containers. Even 20 mg of it is enough to cover the recommended daily amount. But many types of nuts such as peanuts, hazelnuts and pine nuts, as well as certain linseeds, butter and chicken eggs are also considered valuable suppliers. The so-called Mediterranean diet, which involves cooking with healthy fats every day, is considered particularly healthy. Both salads and dishes are traditionally prepared with high-quality virgin olive oil.

Nutrition experts point out that a vitamin E overdose can only occur very rarely. People with chronic illnesses, as well as patients who are taking medication to thin the blood, should still seek advice from their doctor first and determine a suitable diet plan. Taking dietary supplements containing vitamin E is also usually not recommended.