A device recently developed by engineers can detect signs of burnout when you sweat. Until now, there has been no way to objectively quantify stress levels. Such a system could ultimately help doctors better understand and treat stress-related diseases such as burnout and obesity. The device can be placed directly on the skin and continuouslyConcentration of cortisol, the stress hormone, measure in the patient's sweat.
New method detects signs of burnout
Blood tests can be used through the new method to take measurements of patients' cortisol levels. However, detectable amounts of cortisol can also be found in saliva, urine and sweat. So the team focused on sweat as a detection fluid. The researchers developed a so-called wearable smart patch with a miniaturized sensor. The patch also contains a transistor and an electrode made of graphene. Due to its unique properties, this offers high sensitivity and very low detection limits. The graphene is functionalized by aptamers, which are short fragments of single-stranded DNA or RNA. They can bind to certain compounds and carry a negative charge. When they come into contact with cortisol, the device immediately captures the hormone. This causes the strands to fold on themselves, bringing the cargo closer to the surface. The device then detects the charge and can therefore monitor the cortisolMeasure the wearer's sweat.
The next step will be to make the device available to healthcare workers. The engineers believe their sensor can make an important contribution to studying the physiological and pathological rhythms of cortisol secretion. Currently, mental illness is assessed only based on patients' perceptions and mental states, which are often subjective. A reliable, wearable system can help doctors objectively quantify whether a patient is suffering from depression or signs of burnout, for example. In addition, the efficiency of its treatment could also be assessed. This way, medical professionals would receive this information in real time. Advances in understanding these diseases will one day be integrated into smart bracelets through this technology. The next phase will focus on product developmentthis innovative inventionto make it an important part of medicine. In this way, stress could be better monitored and treated in the future.