Good resolutions for the New Year: These ideas can be achieved!

Many people take the turn of the year as an opportunity to tidy up their homes. Unpleasant habits are thrown overboard and appropriate changes are made. Good resolutions are in the air on New Year's Eve. The new year should be different.

But there is great disillusionment when the old pattern breaks again in the first weeks of January. It's all too tempting to grab a cigarette, walk to the car or make a quick stop at McDonald's. Good intentions rarely survive until spring. It doesn't seem so tragic if they disappear quietly. After all, it was just a silent agreement with oneself. Those who write down their individual goals or share them with others think differently about the matter, as a study by Dominican University (California) found. But there are other things that play a role in the early failure of the shotgun: the self-imposed goal is too unrealistic or there is no initial spark.

A look atfavorite resolutionsthe Germans show: With a few tricks and great ideas they can be realized.

1. More time with family and friends

Plan activities and take advantage of leisure activities

The time for reflection begins at Christmas: What is really important to me in life? Many come to the conclusion that they spend far too little time with family and friends. But in the new year that will change - that's the theory.

To ensure that shared activities and wonderful experiences with your loved ones actually get a place in the new calendar, commitment is required. A candlelight dinner together, a wellness weekend in the Allgäu or an adventure in the escape room should be booked as early as January. This offers ideas like thisOffer from Jochen Schweizera diverse selection and fresh input. Many activities can be easily implemented without much effort, be it for individuals, couples, groups or families. If the first step becomes concrete, the continuation is just a formality.

2. Eat healthier – small steps lead to your goal

Cookies, gingerbread, roasts, raclette - there's a lot of feasting going on during the Christmas season. The conscience is calmed, after all, healthier eating is on the to-do list for the new year. Basically everyone knowswhy healthy food belongs on the menu: It is better for the body, better for health, better for well-being. If only it weren't for the habit. Like many other substances, the body gets used to the many sugary and fatty foods that it eats over a longer period of time. Changing your diet radically at the turn of the year is usually a hopeless undertaking.

It is better to get from reputable sources such as TKto provide information about healthy eatingto set yourself smaller, achievable milestones and, for example, to start by eliminating a certain type of food. The sugary drinks are ideal here. Then the body can still draw on the sugar it gets from other sources. And the mind is happy because it doesn't have to give up everything right away. It is also a great help if you can find fellow campaigners. Anyone who fights against the desire for cream cakes alone gives up more easily. Get the family on board or start a food challenge in the office - that provides the necessary motivation.

3. More sport – this is how you stay on the ball

Some wantfinally lose a few kilos, the others no longer want to be out of breath when the elevator to the third floor breaks down. More exercise after the turn of the year is an extremely popular plan. It doesn't have to be just registering at the gym. A little more exercise in everyday life is just as effective. The motto is: Just leave the car at home when the route can be mastered just as easily by bike. Stairs are not only easy to climb, they can also be conquered while running. And if you have children, you can burn a lot of calories playing catch.

The equipment is there, but the motivation isn't there: many people stumble over their inner weakness.

If you want to try your hand at the gym or running professionally, you should definitely look for like-minded people. The decision is made all too quickly not to go out today because it's just so comfortable at home. Arranging to meet others at a specific time triumphs over convenience, because most people are reluctant to break a promise.

4. More time for yourself – free time also needs to be planned

Professional and family challenges often have such a tight grip on life that there is hardly any time left for yourself. If you want to change that in the new year, you need a concrete plan. The mere plan is not enough, because something always comes up: a meeting can be squeezed in during the lunch break. The board game can be played quickly with young children. When everyone is finally out of the house, housework is on the agenda. Most people sacrifice too much of their free time for others.

5. Stop and enjoy the moment — when nothing else matters

A large part of your free time should be reserved for your own thoughts or for your own relaxation. It is especially important for doing the things you love that are on your personal waiting list. It's the pizza that is eaten while lying on the couch, far from being a role model, or the long bath with nice music. For your well-being, it is important to take time out to do what you enjoy. It also helps to create a concrete list. Similar to a training plan, certain times in the calendar should be reserved for these phases. Potential sources of interference should be switched off - be it cell phones or other people. Those who consciously spend a few hours a week with themselves are more receptive and happier in everyday life. Your own battery is then charged again.

Conclusion: Everything has its time and should find a place in your appointment calendar

If you set the bar too high, you will quickly throw away your good resolutions in the new year. Write down one or two projects at the beginning, make an appointment or make binding agreements - this is how the resolutions you make become achievable. Some ideas can be cleverly combined with each other. And besides, no one dictates when new impulses can enrich one's own life. It doesn't necessarily have to be at the turn of the year.