A new study suggests that 10 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise per day reduces the risk of death in old age. The results show that exercise, even if it is only started later in life,Slow effects of agingcan. Additionally, adding certain exercises to your daily schedule could bring many health benefits.
Short-term physical exercise with a rejuvenating effect
The study authors found that the amount of exercise can be built up over time to achieve better results. However, each individual's free time may vary, leaving fewer opportunities for physical activity. But almost everyone could find 10 minutes a day to exercise. According to scientists, this would be enough to improve health and prolong life. If adults ages 40 to 85 engaged in just 10 additional minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise per day, it could prevent 110,000 deaths per year. If the same groups increased their activity by 20 minutes, it would save 209,459 lives, while 30 minutes could prevent approximately 272,297 deaths, the researchers report. Accordingly, this research demonstrates how beneficial regular daily exercise could be by providing quantitative measures.
Practically all organ systems in the body benefit from regular exercise. This includes lowering blood pressure, blood sugar and high cholesterol. Physical activity can also improve sleep, mood, well-being and quality of life. Additionally, exercise provides protection against the natural physical effects of aging. For example, after the age of thirty, age-related muscle loss occurs, known as sarcopenia. When people are active every day, they lose less muscle mass. However, with an inactive lifestyle, an average of 3 to 5 percent of muscle mass could be lost per decade. Maintaining healthy muscle mass as we age is key to preventing unhealthy bodies and increasing quality of life and longevity, researchers say. This study linking exercise and longevity is a good reminder that some type of exercise or functional movement throughout the day is still better than doing nothing.
Daily physical activity strategies
The most important thing is to find what works best for your personal schedule and start small, where small changes could make a big difference. These can be simple things like deciding to take the stairs instead of the elevator. A few 5- to 10-minute breaks during the day could increase activity sufficiently. Some simple exercises like jogging in place or squats will also help the body function optimally and achieve a longer lifespan. Exercising in the morning also offers many health benefits. Ten minutes of exercise per day may seem nominal at first. Over a period of a year, this adds up to several hours of training, likethe present studyshows.