The Bundestag is introducing compulsory measles vaccinations from 2020

Yesterday the government approved the controversial measles vaccination law. It will come into force on March 1st next year. From now on, all parents are required to provide proof of a measles vaccination before their children are admitted to kindergarten or school. Parents whose children attend kindergarten or school have until the end of July 2021 to provide proof. The vaccination requirement also applies to staff in hospitals, schools, daycare centers and asylums for refugees. Violations can result in fines of up to 2,500 euros. Unvaccinated children are also excluded from kindergarten and skilled workers without vaccination are no longer allowed to work in health facilities and refugee accommodation. The Bundestag has made an exception for people born before 1971. People who are in poor health are also exempt from the vaccination requirement. The costs of the vaccinations are covered by the health insurance companies. All doctors, except dentists, are authorized to vaccinate against measles. In the future, the vaccinations will also be stored electronically in the digitized patient files so that medical professionals nationwide have quick access to them.

Compulsory measles vaccination in Germany: Measles is not a harmless childhood disease

For a long time, measles was considered a fairly harmless disease. In fact, they are anything but harmless;dangerous infectious disease, which can lead to serious complications. Patients often suffer from middle ear and pneumonia infections, and complications such as encephalitis occur more rarely. A very rare long-term consequence is panencephalitis, a fatal inflammation of the brain. Measles infections spread very quickly because they are extremely contagious. After contracting measles, those affected have lifelong immunity. Otherwise, you can only protect yourself from the disease by vaccination. Babies receive their first vaccination at 11 months, with a second vaccination taking place 4 to 12 months later. To be on the safe side, everyone born after 1971 should check their vaccination status and ask their family doctor whether a booster vaccination may be necessary.