Create a mini pond - 37 small oasis on the balcony

Various water basins and ponds are great attractions for young and old in the numerous parks and gardens on the hot summer days. They are so necessary, especially in the heat, and bring us freshness and a feeling of calm and infinity. Why should the element of water not be missing in any garden, balcony or terrace? We give you important tips and several design ideas on how you can create a mini pond and create an oasis of serenity and relaxation on the balcony.

which vessels are suitable for this?

If you don't have your own garden and miss this feeling, you can create a little paradise with a bubbling fountain and lush aquatic vegetation on your balcony with little effort and money - you just have to create a mini pond. To do this, you will need traditional wooden buckets and old basin vessels that are lying forgotten somewhere in your basement. You can now use these again and turn them into small ponds for the balcony. Colorful glaze ceramic pots can also serve the same purpose perfectly if they still have good drainage holes. The main thing is that the vessel is definitely waterproof. Also look for one that is as large as possible, as a larger volume of water is easier to maintain in ecological balance. Only atplanted zinc tubsYou should be careful because the zinc can dissolve in the water over time.

Select the aquatic plants

The other important component of your refreshing corner on the balcony is undoubtedly the aquatic vegetation. All types of buttercups are very striking here, for example common dandelions (Taraxacum officinale), spicy buttercup (A bitter frog), Sumpfdotterblume (Caltha palustris), Scharbockskraut (It would be true), Trollblume (A European troll). It is appropriate to plant elegant water irises in different depth zones. But if the pond is tiny, it is best that low-growing reeds and water mint grow there. Various types of water lilies will also thrive there if the pond is not too shallow - the water layer should be at least 40 cm. Numerous tropical plants such as water hyacinths and Salvinia (floating ferns) also grow well in warm water. Of course you also have to think about the underwater vegetation. Here we recommend hornwort and calamus. In general, small aquatic and marsh plants are suitable for this purpose. First, gravel, bricks or other decorative stones are placed on the bottom, otherwise the water will quickly become cloudy. You should actually avoid having fish, as a mini pond on the balcony basically doesn't offer enough space for keeping them.

Of course, you also have to take good care of your small balcony pond. It would be best if it is placed in the sun or partial shade. Also, avoid excessive growth of aquatic vegetation as it could block the water surface. It is better not to plant directly in the ground, but in special baskets. Remember, every type of plant needs a certain depth to thrive. To ensure the correct depth, large and smaller stones can help you. Algae, leaves or oversized plants need to be cleaned regularly. Since the water in your small balcony pond is constantly evaporating, you also have to add new water. But here you don't need to add any additional nutrients or fertilizers. Once you have created your little oasis of peace, you will definitely have a lot of fun maintaining it regularly.

A larger alternative would be a raised pond

A raised pond is also conceivable if you have more space. Raised ponds are similar to raised beds for growing vegetables, but are constructed differently - a plastic water container is created similar to a mini pond and its outer side is decorated with wood or stone. Water basins for this system are commercially available in different sizes.

Avoid keeping fish

Decoration in the small pond should not be missing either

Create a small oasis on the balcony or terrace

Larger vessels offer more scope for design

Small oasis of peace on the balcony

Use old ceramic pots and plant water lilies there

Decoration also for the garden

Running water on the balcony can muffle the sounds of the street

Garden on the balcony

Roof terrace with smallPond

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