E Coli Nissle, a strain of Escherichia coli, has been shown to be harmless to intestinal tissue, according to new research. In addition, these probiotic strains can protect the intestines from enterohemorrhagicE. coli (EHEC)protect. The latter is a pathogen that produces Shiga toxin. E. coli has gotten a bad rap because some pathogenic strains can cause severe and even life-threatening symptoms. For more than a century, the commensal strain E Coli Nissle has been used as a probiotic and more recently to treat intestinal disorders including ulcerative colitis.
Good intestinal bacteria from the E Coli Nissle strain
Researchers at the University of Cincinnati wanted to understand whether this strain of bacteria could also protect intestinal tissue from EHEC and other pathogens. They studied the protective effects of the probiotic using human intestinal organoids, which are experimental models of real tissue derived from stem cells. The researchers first injected the organoids with E Coli Nissle and found that the bacteria was harmless. It did not damage the epithelial barrier formed by the protective outer layer of the organoid. Next, in separate experiments, they injected enterohemorrhagic E. coli organoids. This pathogen produces Shiga toxin, which sickens millions and even kills thousands of people, mostly children, every year. The EHEC then quickly broke through the epithelial barrier in the organoids.
The researchers then pretreated the intestinal tissue with E Coli Nissle and injected EHEC 12 hours later. Here the E. coli strain Nissle proved to be protective in 1917. Although EHEC proliferated in the tissue, it did not destroy the epithelial barrier. During the same time, the Nissle population in the tissue decreased rapidly. The researchers observed the same effects when they injected pretreated intestinal tissue with uropathogenic E. coli. This is the strain responsible for the majority of urinary tract infections. Basically, the Nissle was killed by the pathogenic bacteria, but this made the intestines better able to withstand damage.
Promising research results
The results suggest that the E Coli Nissle strain may provide benefits by not directly inhibiting the pathogenic strains. Instead, the bacterium uses defense mechanisms in the cell itself. This means that the natural probiotic can help prevent serious EHEC infections. However, the results also suggest that Nissle may be susceptible to Shiga toxin phages. This would limit the probiotic's usefulness as a therapeutic agent. The scientists also warn that further studies are needed to better understand the complex interactions of bacterial species in a real-world environment.
The research focuses on bacteria that produce the Shiga toxin, such as EHEC. Once children receive EHEC, doctors can only give them fluids and support. For this reason the researchers are of thePotential of the studyenthusiastic. This can serve as a model for a better understanding of the intestinal microbiome and is a major breakthrough. Many such pathogens are specific, and organoids are very suitable for studying early events. Organoids also offer at least one other major advantage over mice. Laboratory mice are not suitable for such studies.