Cardiologist on Heart Health: These Bad Habits Damage the Heart (Not Just Diet)

Cardiovascular diseases are among the leading causes of death around the world. In Germany alone, they were the reason for more than a third of all deaths in 2021 (around 340,000 out of around a million). A cardiologist explains which habits increase the risk. How can you improve your heart health in everyday life?

The fact that heart problems are a major problem today (and the trend is increasing) is nothing new to many people. But not everyone is aware of which everyday habits increase the risk. A healthy diet with as few harmful foods as possible is one thing. But there are other things you should change to support heart health.

Heart problems are the number one cause of death

By avoiding just a few things in everyday life that may have already become habitual, you can dramatically improve your heart health and therefore reduce the risk of one day suffering from cardiovascular disease. Cardiologist Nicole Harkin has created a useful list on Tik Tok about this.

Stop smoking!

This may not surprise you, but cigarettes damage the heart and lead to heart problems in the long term. However, what many people don't realize these days is that this also applies to so-called vaping. Would you have thought that one in nine children have tried vaping? Don't just support your own heart health, but be a good role model for our children.

Don't ignore any signs of heart problems!

It is normal for many people to dismiss and ignore signs of health problems. But according to Dr. Harkin, we should never underestimate symptoms, because a “shockingly” high proportion of heart attacks, for example, also occur in people who are not actually considered high-risk patients.Chest painIt is therefore important to have your heart checked so that your doctor can identify and treat any heart problems in good time.

Avoid Processed Foods for Better Heart Health!

We have already reached the topic of “heart health and nutrition”. It shouldn't be too fatty, sugary or salty, of course. But some people don't realize that this doesn't just apply to sweets or frozen pizza. Also more or less everyday foods such as bacon, Vienna sausage and other processed products. They cause heart problems due to stress inflicted by the fats they contain. Reduce such foods.

Don't ignore cases in the family!

As with many other diseases, cardiovascular diseases can be favored by genes. So if you have relatives with this type of illness, it is definitely worth discussing it with your doctor. In this case, you are probably a high-risk patient, which is why your doctor could arrange for regular examinations. In any case, Dr. Harkin family history not to be ignored.

Improve heart health through adequate sleep

According to studies, lack of sleep can increase the risk of a heart attack by as much as 20 percent. It should be at least 6 and up to 8 hours per night so that your body can recover from the strains of everyday life. But although many people are aware of this, the problem and its possible consequences are usually underestimated. If you suffer from a lack of sleep, seek advice from your doctor.