Brain stimulation after a stroke improves motor skills

Non-invasive, wearable magnetic brain stimulation after a stroke could, in particular,motor function in patientsimprove thanks to new device. This is according to preliminary scientific findings presented by scientists at the 2020 American Stroke Association International Conference.

New method for brain stimulation after stroke

In a first randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled clinical trial with 30 survivors of chronicischemic strokeA new wearable, multifocal, transcranial, rotating permanent magnet stimulator (TRPMS) resulted in significant increases in physiological brain activity in areas close to the injured area in the brain, as measured by functional MRI.

“The robustness of the increase in physiological brain activity was then surprising. We observed a statistically significant change in brain activity in just 30 subjects.” This is what lead study author David Chiu said. He is director of the Eddy Scurlock Stroke Center at Houston Methodist Hospital in Texas. “If we could confirm this in a larger multicenter study, the results would have huge implications. “This technology would be the first proven treatment to restore motor function after chronic ischemic stroke.”

Researchers have previously studied magnetic stimulation of the brain to promote recovery of motor function after a stroke. This type of brain stimulation after stroke can alter neuronal activity and induce reorganization of circuits in the brain. In this regard, the researchers presented a new wearable nerve stimulator.

Medical perspectives

Stroke survivors who then experienced weakness on one side of the body for at least three months afterwards were enrolled in a preliminary study to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the device. The researchers treated half of the patients with brain stimulation, which they administered in sessions over four weeks. The rest only received fake treatment. The researchers analyzed physiological brain activity immediately after and one month after treatment.

They found that the treatment was well tolerated and there were no device-related complications. The active treatment resulted in a significantly greater increase in brain activity: almost nine times higher than the sham treatment.

Although the study did not demonstrate that the transcranial stimulator improved motor function, numerical improvements were demonstrated in five of six clinical scales of motor function measured by a functional MRI test. The scale measured gait speed, grip strength, clamping force and other motor functions of the arm. The treatment effects were maintained over a period of three months.

The researchers believe that the study results signal a possible improvement in clinical motor function after magnetic brain stimulation in post-stroke patients, which needs to be confirmed in a larger multicenter study.