How a daily serving of yogurt lowers blood pressure in hypertension and prevents cardiovascular problems

A new study suggests that consuming yogurt daily may lower blood pressure in a natural way instead of medication. In addition, the study authors recommend adding the probiotic food to the daily menuPrevention of cardiovascular diseases.

New insights into how yogurt positively influences blood pressure

The recently published research examined the connection between yogurt intake, blood pressure and cardiovascular risk factors. Accordingly, the research team found that this food is associated with improved levels in people with high blood pressure. More than a billion people worldwide suffer from hypertension. In addition, this condition increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke. In addition, such heart problems are the most common cause of death worldwide, with lives lost every day. The authors of this study claim that the results provide new evidence linking yogurt to positive blood pressure outcomes in hypertensive people. Therefore, it is important for everyone to continue to find new ways to reduce and regulate this risk factor. The research results showed that dairy products and especially yogurt can prevent blood pressure in hypertensive patients.

The positive study results are mainly due to the fact that dairy products contain a number of micronutrients. These include calcium, magnesium and potassium, all of which are involved in regulating blood pressure. However, yogurt products are particularly beneficial because they also contain bacteria that contribute to and promote the release of blood pressure-lowering proteins. Even small amounts of the product were able to reduce high blood pressure in the study participants during the examinations. For those who regularly consumed yogurt, the results were even better. Their blood pressure levels were almost seven points lower than those who ate a normal diet. Habitual yogurt consumption was measured using a food frequency questionnaire. The researchers defined high blood pressure as 140/90 mmHg or higher. A normal blood pressure value is below 120/80 mmHg. The authorsthis studywill conduct future observational and intervention studies in at-risk individuals to examine the yogurt's potential benefits.