We will examine one of the most common Monstera diseases, how to recognize it, develop a strategy to avoid it, and ultimately eradicate it. When something is wrong, you can tell a lot by looking at the leaves, and one of the most noticeable changes is when they turn brown.
Find out what can cause Monstera leaves to turn brown and how to cure them in this article. This is how you can recognize and combat eyespot disease on Monstera.
Recognizing eyespot disease on Monstera
One of the most common reasons why monsteras brown orblack spots on their leaveshave are diseases. Attacks from various infections can cause your plant's leaves to take on a discolored hue.
Eye spot disease can affect some plant species. Several fungal species, including Spilocaea oleaginea, are usually responsible for this disease, which appears as dark, circular spots on the leaves. Their resemblance to eyeballs is the inspiration for their name. This fungal infection can affect leaves, resulting in the development of the hairy brown spots that can eventually spread throughout the plant. The spots are spread throughout the plant and are darker in the middle.
If you notice yellow rings or halos around the brown spots on your Monstera leaves, it could be a sign that your plant is affected by the disease. As your Monstera's leaves turn brown, you may observe that the Monstera leaves first discolor and then fall off as the plant wilts and dies.
What are the most common causes?
However, inadequate treatment is the real culprit because it allows the infections to thrive. This mushroom thrives particularly well in moist environments. Poor watering as well as heat and excessive moisture (especially on the leaves) can promote infection. Therefore, you should never leave the plant in water for a long time. However, be sure to watch the leaves closely to see if they are affected by the disease and respond promptly if you notice the formation of these brown spots.
Applying a fungicide to the plant and adjusting the drainage or watering schedule can solve this problem, which is usually caused by excessive soil moisture.
After infecting one leaf, this fungus can quickly spread to other leaves. When Monstera is grown from seed, there is an additional risk of infection from the seed itself. As a rule, the spores can only be transmitted through the air. Infestations can occur at any point in the growing cycle.
Fight the fungal infestation
In the event of an infestation, rapid intervention is necessary because Spilocaea oleagina can cause significant damage if left unchecked.
- Remove diseased leaves and keep the diseased plant away from other houseplants.
- Throw the affected leaves in the trash, not in the compost. Also remove any dead leaves.
- In some cases it is enough to repot the plant, clean the soil around the roots and remove the diseased leaves. Be sure to disinfect your pruning tools afterwards.
- In case of reinfection, you should use approved copper-based treatments.
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Also interesting:Monstera deliciosa: What care mistakes should you definitely avoid in order to grow a magnificent plant?
Effective prevention
To prevent the condition from getting worse, you can do the following:
- Make sure you have the right humidity.
- Allow the soil to dry slightly between watering. The breeding ground for nasty pathogens is the always moist earth.
- You can use this plant decoction to combat and prevent fungal infections - field horsetail decoction.
For the field horsetail decoction you need:
- 1 kg fresh or 200 grams dried field horsetail plant
- 10 liters of water
Soak the plants in 10 liters of water for 1 day. Then simmer the solution for 30 minutes, allow to cool, and strain. Before spraying your houseplants, you should dilute the solution with 5 times the amount of water. Application on three consecutive days helps with the fungal disease.
Also read:Monstera has brown spots: 5 most common reasons and effective tips for saving the exotic plant
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