A new study from a research company says your shower curtain probably has the most germs and bacteria in your bathroom. However, experts claim that the germs and bacteria that thrive on them do not pose a serious health threat to most people. Nevertheless, regular cleaning orChanging the curtainmore recommended.
Germs and bacteria in the bathroom
You may be showering in harmful bacteria, but it's not coming from your bathtub or shower drain. According to new research, these develop primarily on your shower curtain, according to the study by Safe Home, a research and testing company based in Los Angeles. The researchers tested three shower curtains and surveyed more than 500 people. The analysis found that shower curtains contain more than 60 times as many microorganisms as toilet seats.
So this suggests that shower curtains are the dirtiest surfaces in the bathroom. The bacterial strains present include gram-negative and gram-positive cocci. The study authors say the majority of gram-negative bacteria are harmful to humans and may be resistant to antibiotics. However, experts can determine the causes and severity of the risks associated with unsanitary shower curtains and what you should do to keep your curtain clean and healthy.
Charles P. Gerba, a microbiologist and professor at the University of Arizona, said that while bathroom bacteria have not been well studied, they have also not been linked to well-documented risks in healthy individuals. Common opportunistic pathogens include Sphingomonas and Methylobacterium. While these organisms can infect wounds and worsen illnesses in people with weakened immune systems, experts agree that germs and bacteria on shower curtains do not pose a threat to homes.
Buy or clean a new shower curtain
Sometimes it's better to start with a fresh shower curtain and move on to a new oneToilet cleaning scheduleand bathroom to oblige. Experts say that mold in the home usually appears blackish, light red or green, while mildew looks grayish-white or yellowish. Once you see dirt buildup that won't go away, the best practice is to replace your curtain (about once a year). Adding white vinegar to the cold water wash cycle can help break down dirt further. Aggressive chemicals and bleach, as well as sensitive fabrics and colored objects should be avoided.