How we style Smart Wear now so that it looks elegant but not bourgeois

Smart Wear always sounds so simple in men: shirt,, Tie, the thing is done. Even if the classic men's wardrobe makes clear guidelines, it is not so easy to always put together the right look. Everything has to fit, everything has to look good. And then there is the problem with modernity.We want to look elegant, of course, but not bourgeois either. Not an easy task. But don't worry, they know us. We take care of the problem - and haveA few simple tricks at the start, How to style smart wear so that she looks chic and cool. Both go.

5 tricks to style smart wear cool so that it is elegant but not bourgeois

Not casually and elegantly excludes each other. On the contrary: if you correctly style smart wear, you get pretty cool looks put on your feet. And if you do it correctly, you can now not only wear Smart Wear on certain occasions, but also in everyday life. We have 5 tricks for you with which the Easy succeeds.

1. Replace a shirt

Photo: Xavier Dolan

Gucci simply replaces the shirt with the new Spring Summer Collection with a cool network polo.

The first trick is actually very simple. Simply leave out the stay shirt under the suit and instead combine with a cool top.GucciWith the new Spring Summer Collection, for example, a network shirt suggests that the elegant suit gives a sophisticated-and admittedly also sexy twist. This new way of styling smart wear now calls the Italian fashion houseCasual Grandeur- And that's exactly the style with which we also want to tackle our men's wardrobe in 2025: elegant, but not bourgeois. If network overtakes are too freely or simply too cold, you can insteadOr put on the polo shirt without a button placket or just go at the top without walking. But that only works with.

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2. Lockere Suits

Photo: Pr

Relaxed summer suits from Strellson

Suits at Smart Wear are mandatory in 80 percent of cases. At least it takes a cool set that fits together and looks elegant. Anyone who then buys an ensemble that is more casual than the classic Slim fit suit is guaranteed not to risk looking bourgeois. This is best possible if you varied when cutting.are always a little more loosely cut. The blazers are welcome to be oversized, the pants longer and down. In summer you can simply replace the suit pants with a suitable shorts - it is much airier anyway and looks cool.

3. New colors, new materials

Photo: Luis Alberto Rodriguez

Brown wool combination from the newThat's so ArmaniGiorgio Armani campaign

Not only with the type of suits you can vary - also in terms of color and material. It doesn't always have to be the classic black or dark blue suit. Why not even more modern colors likeortry? Provides a more relaxed look directly and does not look so old -fashioned. A fresh coat of paint is good, especially in spring (hopefully soon). If you get too colorful, you can simply reach into the material trick box. Wool, linen, nylon? Elegant yes, bourgeois no.

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4. Mono Looks

Photo: Pr

Gray mouse? Are you kidding me? Are you serious when you say that! Rather: cool type, in COS

If a shirt, please also in the same color! This trick to protect elegant smart wear from spite is as simple as it sounds. Gray suit? Gray shirt! This ensures that the entire look seems much more casual than if you styled it with a classic white shirt.CosPreside and we are now. Incidentally, works with all colors, blue, green, brown, even with black. When a color -matching tie is added: one with asterisks.

5. Don't forget the tie tie

Photo: Pr

This season is particularly popular: ties. Here from mango men

We have just mentioned it: The tie must not be missing! Actually, a tie embodies exactly what we wanted to refrain from with our modern smart wear design. It was part of the classic men's wardrobe and until recently was still a bourgeois relic from past times, which is only reserved for insurance representatives and older men today. But in 2025 the game changes.- and of course also should not be missing from the casual Smart Wear Look. If you wear a tie, you don't always have to take the suit straight away to style smart wear. Chic blouson over a shirt and neck tie, as withMango but, then the look looks elegant enough - and don't safe!

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