Lavender against Alzheimer's: This is how the essential oil removes neurotoxic deposits

Is lavender effective against Alzheimer's? A new study suggests so. According to Italian scientists, there is a connection between theessential oilfrom lavender and the beta-amyloid proteins that build up over time in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's. The neurotoxic protein plaques collect in the nerve cells and accelerate the death of brain cells and cell connections. The human body cannot break them down, but lavender could protect cells from them.

Lavender for Alzheimer's: Can the natural remedy stop the progression of the disease?

The number of patients with Alzheimer's is increasing. The trend is leading to more and more people with dementia having to be treated in nursing homes and hospitals. There is currently no cure. That's why scientists are looking for medicines and natural remedies that can stop the progression of the neurodegenerative disease.

Most studies aim to counteract the accumulation of abnormal proteins in the brain. Because these protein plaques prove to be very toxic and can accelerate cell death. The more brain cells die, the more Alzheimer's symptoms appear.

The scientists from Italy tested whether lavender oil has a neuroprotective effect and can be used in the treatment of patients with Alzheimer's. After several laboratory experiments with cell cultures, they found that the essential oil (concentrate 10 mg/ml) successfully reduced existing abnormalities caused by beta-amyloid proteins in the brain cells. In this way, the death of cells was slowed down.

Of course, further studies are necessary. The researchers primarily want to look for possible therapeutic approaches. However, the results of the study give hope that natural remedies can also help in the fight against dementia.

Lavender as a natural remedy for stress

Lavender is already used asnatural remedy in the fight against Alzheimer'sused. The fragrance oil helps patients with Alzheimer's get rid of everyday stress. It is also beneficial for sleep disorders and anxiety. Massages with the essential oil can relax patients' muscles. Lavender soft capsules also have a calming effect and are primarily used as an accompanying therapy for various phobias.