A research team recently identified a new indicator that could make metastatic breast cancer easier to diagnose. In doing so, the study authors laid the foundation for preventative treatment that could save millions of lives. Stage 4 cancer occurs when the tumor has spread or metastasized to other parts of the body. In addition, mortality from breast cancer is almost exclusively due to metastases, with the lungs being one of the main sitesFormation of metastasesis. Researchers estimate the 5-year survival rate for women with metastatic breast cancer to be 28%.
Can metastatic breast cancer be detected early?
Breast cancer patients and those with other types of cancer do not die from the primary tumor, but from distant metastases. These sometimes form after years in vital organs such as the lungs and brain, according to the study authors. Understanding how the body is prepared to accept metastases in a timely manner can therefore be crucial. The researchers also explain that metastases can occur several years after treatment of the first cases. However, today, doctors only identify metastases for follow-up screening if they are quite large. This means that the disease is already in an advanced stage and is almost impossible to cure. For this reason, the research group examined the period between apparent recovery and the appearance of metastases. The study authors should be able to better understand the process of metastasis and find ways to block it in its early stages. In the study, the research team looked for signs in the tumor microenvironment.
In a normal situation, fibroblasts play a central role in the healing of wounds and injuries to the lungs. However, recent studies have shown that cancer is successful in recruiting them and getting them to create a supportive environment to do so. By identifying and comparing the respective development in the three different tissue samples, the researchers were able for the first time to characterize the process in the microenvironment of the metastases. The resultsthis studyprovide valuable insights into the growth of cancer cells, which can then be used for detection using existing imaging techniques and treated to prevent metastases.