Researchers have conducted laboratory tests on mice and found that the dietary supplement selenium can increase the animals' health expectancy. The laboratory mice that received selenium through their diet had more years of healthy life than the laboratory mice that did not receive selenium. The researchers hope to achieve similar results in humans. This would particularly affect people with obesity andHelp fatty liver.
The dietary supplement selenium could increase people's healthy years of life
Human life expectancy has increased significantly over the last 200 years. But that doesn't apply to health expectations. The healthy years of life vary greatly from person to person. Researchers at the Weill Cornell lab wanted to find out how we can not only live longer, but also live healthier lives. The results of the study were published inJournal eLifepublished.
The researchers conducted several tests. First, they found that mice on a low-calorie diet containing foods low in methionine were significantly less likely to suffer from obesity. The disadvantage: These mice often had reduced bone density, which significantly increased the risk of bone fractures as they got older.
The scientists also found that selenium inhibits the hormone IGF-1 and could therefore protect against obesity. They divided the laboratory mice into three groups. In the first group, this was done dailySelenium intake through food. The second group had a low-fat diet and the third group ate foods high in methionine. The researchers then found that the mice from the first and second groups were significantly less likely to be overweight. They then took blood samples from all animals and found a reduction in IGF-1 in the blood of the mice from the first two groups. These mice's bodies also produced less of the hormone leptin. The hormone gives you a feeling of satiety and stimulates your metabolism.
Does the dietary supplement selenium help prevent obesity?
High body weight can lead to secondary diseases such as type 2 diabetes, gout, high blood pressure or osteoarthritis and an earlier death. People with obesity also suffer more often from depression and anxiety disorders. The researchers hope that the results of their study will also be demonstrated in humans.