Nowadays you can't imagine a wedding without a plan. In the United States, the preparation period often lasts a year or a year and a half, and accordingly the date of the event is chosen almost on the day of the marriage proposal. Therefore, before the official invitation, the couple sends a modest card with the words “Save the date” to friends and relatives. “Please keep this day free for us!” This is what it says and asks the recipient not to plan any other business for the specified day. The trend from America has now come to Germany and is enjoying growing popularity. Read on and find out why it makes sense to send save the date cards for your wedding.
That's why save the date cards make sense
Although the details of the wedding celebration have not yet been finalized, every bride and groom want to be sure that their loved ones can celebrate this special day with them. Because what would a wedding be without guests? Therefore, it is important that guests inform in advanceinformed about the wedding datebecome. For example, many of us plan our summer vacation in winter.
The cards are also a great way to know the exact number of guests. This plays a crucial role in planning. To do this, everyone must send feedback as to whether they can come or not.
Reply cards, the so-called RSVP cards (Répondez s'il vous plait, which means: “Please answer”) are often sent. The guest should indicate whether they can attend the wedding and whether they are coming alone or with someone.
Another plus point: the StD cards are not personalized, i.e. the names of the invited people are not given. If there are many cancellations, changes to your guest list are still possible.
Choosing the perfect design
You can choose the color and design of the save the date cards according to your ideas. So that you don't get lost in the jungle of beautiful worlds of inspiration, it's best to decide on a design style and stick to it! From vintage to rustic chic to haute couture - atwww.cottonbird.deThere is a great selection of elegant designs created by a team of designers. Once you have decided on a wedding theme or color concept, you can design a whole set of individual stationery. This will give your guests a first impression of how you will organize your wedding.
In addition to printed postcards, some couples also send small items such as jewelry, candy, magnets or calendars. The goal is for this little accessory to remind the recipient of the important appointment.
What to write in it?
The save the date card should not be overloaded with information because many details can change during this time. Don't forget to note that the official invitation will come later. The invitation cards are designed to be much more extensive and include details such as location, time of the wedding, dress code and other key points.
The most important information:
- the announcement of the wedding – we are getting married! We say yes!
- the wedding date
- the names of the bride and groom
- The expression “Save the date” or a similar formulation: “Please reserve this day for us”, “Please keep the... free.”
- City (optional)
- Please provide feedback for better planning
- the follow-up remark – “More details to follow…”, “More information will follow with the invitation”
When should you send them?
As a rule, it is best to send wedding cards about 6-8 months before the wedding reception, if not sooner. This gives guests the opportunity to prepare for the upcoming event, plan their travel, choose the right wedding gifts, etc. This way, they are saved from unnecessary worries and problems related to time constraints.
Save the date cards are not a must, but they are an important first step when planning a wedding. Based on guest feedback, you can start developing your wedding theme, choose the location and think through the wedding celebration program.