Nuts for weight loss – How the treats boost weight loss

Attention all nut lovers, because we have great news! And you canNuts help you lose weight. This emerges from new research results published in the journal Nutrients. Certain tree nuts are said to not only help with short-term weight loss, but also reduce weight in the long term.

Consuming nuts to lose weight – The study

How the nuts were used to lose weight in the study: The effects of Brazil nuts, cashew nuts, pine nuts, pistachios, almonds, walnuts and macadamia, among others, were tested in the study on 95 overweight and obese men and women. Those aged between 30 and 68 were divided into two groups. While the first was asked to consume about 45g of mixed tree nuts daily, the other ate pretzels instead. Both snacks had the same amount of calories.

Each participant followed onehypocaloric diet for weight loss. That meant everyone reduced their calorie intake by about 500 calories per day and focused on eating more calorie-dense foods for about three months. The study ended with a 12-week isocaloric weight maintenance program.

The result

Both groups enjoyed significant weight loss. However, the group with the tree nuts also enjoyed an increased level of satiety. This, in turn, was particularly beneficial in the weight maintenance phase of the study. The result was better weight management in the Nuss group. The number of dropouts was also significantly lower than in the group with the pretzel snack.

Lose weight healthily with nuts – conclusion

If you want to use nuts to lose weight, you should keep in mind that they are very high in calories. A handful per day should therefore not be exceeded. The 45g portion in the study contains 240 to 300 calories, depending on the type of nut. The advantage, however, is that the tree nuts keep you full for longer, thereby reducing your calorie intake for the rest of the day. Nuts also provide important nutrients, unlike many other snacks we usually eat.

A recent study found that 20% of the fat inAlmonds not absorbed by the digestive tractbecome. So they are ideal for weight loss.