Researchers reveal in new study how palm fat can promote cancer by causing tumors to metastasize

Cancer researchers were able to show in mouse models how palmitic acid from palm fat causes cancer by changing its genome. This increases the chance that tumors will spread. The authors of the new study have already started with theDevelopment of cancer therapiesstarted. These should therefore be able to interrupt the dangerous process. In addition, a clinical study is planned in the next few years.

Why palm fat causes cancer and tumor spread

Metastasis, or spread, of cancer remains the leading cause of death in cancer patients. For the vast majority of these people, treatment is possible, but not a cure. Fatty acids are the building blocks of fat and food, and these could promote tumor spread. However, it is unclear why this happens and whether all fatty acids lead to metastasis. Now the new study results showed how palmitic acid from palm oil promotes metastasis in oral carcinoma and melanoma skin cancer in mice. Other fatty acids called oleic acid and linoleic acid (omega-9 and omega-6 fats), found in foods such as olive oil and flaxseed, did not have the same effect. None of the fatty acids tested increased the risk of developing cancer at all. Cancer cells that were only exposed to palmitic acid in the diet for a short period of time remained heavily metastasized afterwards. The researchers discovered that this “memory” is caused by epigenetic changes, but they could inhibit them in the future.

The new discovery is a major breakthrough in scientific understanding of the connection between diet and cancer. Furthermore, this knowledge could help develop new cures for cancer metastasis. Metastases are estimated to be responsible for 90% of all cancer deaths, accounting for approximately 9 million deaths per year worldwide. Learning more about what causes cancer to spread could significantly reduce these numbers, according to the study authors. In addition, the researchers hope thatthis studyis just the beginning. They should begin clinical research in the next few years. The scientists will then test the antibodies they developed on different types of cancer.

Also interesting:Prevent cancer and reduce the risk of disease!