Oll, bourgeois, too experimentally - there was a time handmade. He lacked a demanding design approach that does not make it look strange in the modern home. But it still makes it an eye -catcher. A young generation of manufacturers wants to change that - with success: their pieces stand out from industrial mass goods, are all unique and artistic, but still natural and not too complicated. That makes them perfect roommates - they just live with.
The 13 labels provide this individually
1. Rhizomes house
In 2019 the French woman Charlotte Culot and the Berliner Hannah Vagedes met in Nepal. And both were enchanted by the artistically linked carpets there. Three years later they founded their labelRhizomes houseFor graphic carpets made of wool, silk and linen, which you can make by hand in traditional Nepalese workshops.
Photo: Christoph Philadelphia
Runner „Cobble Stone White“, limitiert, um 4700 €. maisonrhizomes.com
2. Palefire Studio
Rowena Morgan-Cox is one of the most important creatives of the London art scene. And enthusiastic about the British "Arts & Crafts" movement, which celebrated the handicrafts in the 19th century. Inspired by it, she founded thatPalefire StudioFor graphic lights from paper mache, which she has in a family business in Barcelona. And in London plenty of plain or with ornamental patterns hand -painted.
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Photo: Palefire Studio
Table lamp "Parasol", manufactured on request, around € 650. palefirestudio.com
3. Samel s Charabi
The Danish-Egyptian designerSalem S. CharabiHas a workshop outside of Copenhagen, in which he produces graphic wooden furniture that is reminiscent of classic midcency but have special twists. Just like the upper, three -legged chair “If Anything. A Butterfly ”in which a small table can be folded out on both sides.
Foto: Salem S. Charabi
Salem S. Charabi produces all of his furniture from local materials from the closer, Danish environment. Just like the chair “If Anything. A Butterfly ”, Paa
4. Sarah von Doetinchem
The Hamburg womanSarah von Doetinchemfounded the well -known online shop in 2011niche-beauty.com. And then decided to create other "beauties" years later: In her studio, she produces ceramic objects with surprising glaze techniques, occupied with unusual details such as petals.
Photo: Sarah von Doetinchem
Very illusionist: ceramic vase "CrackLed Flowers" for € 1100, Sarahvondoetinchem.com
5. Milena Kling
The glasses of the BerlinerMilena Klingcan be found in gourmet restaurants from Oslo to Shanghai. And inspire everywhere with their very own color and haptic patterns, which provide special lighting games at the table. The wafer tarte pieces are produced in a small, family -run glass blowing in the Czech Republic.
Photo: Milena Kling
A game of optics and feel: oral glass "raw" water glass, 4-series set for € 260. milenakling.com
6. Valentin Löllmann
His father's brilliant craft, a ceramic artist, played a major role from an early age. And certainly influenced the career choice ofValentin Löllmann. Today the designer has its own workshop for special furniture in the Dutch Maastricht. He designs and builds himself. Nice to see on the Instagram account@valentin–loellmann. This creates fluids, organic pieces that look like modern Art Nouveau.
Photo: Valentin Löllmann
Flowing and sculptural: chairs from Walnussholz, Valentinloellmann.de
7. Daniel Lord
In 1907, the mastermind of saddlers Benedikt Heer produced his first horsehaar mattress in Switzerland. And exactly 100 years later broughtDaniel HeerHis craft, now the fourth generation, to Berlin. Here, the horse hair, unique in Europe, are processed into sleeping facilities in a week. They are naturally moisture -regulating, breathable and anti -allergen. And feel warm in winter and comfortably dry in summer. In the "Schöneberg Zimmer", connected to his workshop, you can sample it for one night.
Photo: Daniel Lord
Almost as before: Rosshaar mattress with a flemish linen, around € 4200. Cushions from 185 €. danielheer.com
8. Polyluma
The Berlin manufactoryPolylumaFacts the "Sphéra" lamp with balls made of purely natural raw materials that combine 3D printing and traditional craft. They are translucent and spread the light milky and warm in the room. If desired, the lights can be customized - from one up to ten light bodies.
Photo: Polyluma
Mobile light "Sphéra" with different balls, from € 200. polyluma.com
9. Otherways
The Parisian Delphine Rante has taken new ground. Before that, among other things, manager at Louis Vuitton, she leaves her label todayOtherwaysCeiling and scarves in Kathmandu by hand. From Tibetan Yak-Wolle and Mongolian camel wool rays in saffrangelb to emerald green. And are as soft as cashmere. In addition, the beautiful pieces contribute to the natural preservation of the animals.
Foto: Otherways
Plaid with a graphic detail, from Wollmix, around € 2150. OTHERWAYS.FR
Born in Dijon, the Frenchman wentFerréol babinAfter studying architecture to Japan. And got to know the magic of little things here. In his studio, he carves, among other things, artistic spoons and mini-table lights made of wood.
Everyone a unique work of art: different spoons, from € 45. ferreolbabin.fr
11. Phantom Hands
The manufactory has been presenting since 2015Phantom HandsBangalore designs from contemporary designers in the South Indian city. And furniture that is inspired by Indian modernism. Everyone looks light, graceful and radiate joy in natural feel.
Photo: Phantom Hands
An eye -catcher in the hallway: Bank "Tangālai" made of teak and pipe mesh, around € 2200. phantomhands.in
12. Klemens reason
The designer and master carpenterKlemens reasonBorn in the Black Forest, creates timeless furniture made of wood in his workshop in St. Gallen, Switzerland, which are simply adorable. And let yourself be folded up, for example.
Photo: Klemens Grund
Practically beautiful: chair "D7" made of oiled walnut and optionally also in beech or oak, from € 950. klemensgrund.de
13. Nicolene van der Walt
In her workshop in Berlin Neukölln, the South African producesNicolene van der WaltHand residential objects and furniture from wood from the region. And regardless of whether cake tier or coffee table: you wear round, sculptural shapes and concentrate on the pure material.
Photo: Nicolene van der Walt
Handmade in Berlin: cutting boards "No 2" from oak and walnut, from 185 €, Nicolenevanderwalt.com