How vegetable fat contributes to a heart-healthy diet, while animal fat increases the risk of stroke

Polyunsaturated fatty acids and vegetable fat are a healthier alternative to animal fats. This emerges from new research in which researchersEating red meatassociated with increased risk of stroke. This is also the study that comprehensively analyzes the effects of vegetable fat, dairy and other animal sources on stroke risk.

Processed red meat is more harmful to health than vegetable fat

Current scientific research shows that the type of fat and different food sources are more important than the total amount of dietary fat in preventing cardiovascular disease. The team calculated the cumulative average of dietary data over time to reflect long-term food intake. Accordingly, they divided fat intake into 5 groups or quintiles. In the research, overall red meat included beef, pork, or lamb as a main course, as well as processed red meat. During the study, 6,189 participants suffered strokes, including 2,967 ischemic strokes (caused by a blood clot that cuts off blood flow to part of the brain) and 814 hemorrhagic strokes (caused by bleeding from vessels in the brain). However, milk fat in products such as cheese, butter, milk, ice cream and cream was not associated with a higher risk of stroke. In addition, study participants who consumed predominantly vegetable fat had a lower risk of stroke.

The most important features of aheart-healthy dietare the balanced calorie intake with calorie requirements to achieve a healthy weight. Accordingly, the study authors recommend choosing whole grain products, lean and plant-based proteins, and a variety of vegetables instead of meat. In addition, salt, sugar, processed foods and alcohol should be avoided in high-risk patients.

Looking at subtypes of fat intake, such as separating saturated fat consumed from plant, dairy or other animal sources, would be useful to better understand the association between fat intake and stroke risk. In addition, includedthis studymainly healthcare professionals of European descent. For this reason, the results may not be generalizable to people from different racial and ethnic groups.