The liver performs several vital functions in the body. It filters toxins from the blood and controls metabolism. It is very important that we support them in this. Liver detoxification is particularly important after the holidays, after consuming too much alcohol, fat and sweets. But you don't need to go on a dietPreparing cures. Most of the time it is enough to include certain foods in the menu. Because the right diet helps to relieve the strain on the liver.
Foods to detoxify the liver
DieLiver is one of the vital organsin the human body. It is responsible for detoxifying the body, but also fulfills other important tasks such as the utilization of fats and the conversion of nutrients into proteins, vitamins and minerals. The organ carries out complicated biochemical processes every day. Various substances enter the liver through the portal vein - some of them are processed and released back into the blood, others are stored.
An unhealthy lifestyle can promote liver disease. Regular alcohol consumption, overdose of medications such as paracetamol and foods high in sugar are considered particularly harmful. The good news – the liver can recover. Of course you should support them. More sport and exercise as well as a healthy diet are an absolute must.
Detoxify the liver with fruit
vegetables and fruitsare good for the body. The liver can also benefit from daily consumption. But how much fruit can there be? Two portions of fruit daily are recommended. For adults, two servings of fruit weigh approximately 250g. It's best to take advantage of the seasonal offerings and eat fresh fruit. If this is not possible, you can also use frozen goods. Eat the fruit without sugar.
Which fruit is good for the liver? The grapefruit
Die Grapefruitis rich in antioxidants, the fiber pectin and bitter substances. These valuable substances support the liver in its work, neutralize free radicals and promote the regeneration of the organ. Grapefruit also contains carotenoids, which accelerate the detoxification process and lower cholesterol. The flavonoid naringenin stimulates fat breakdown in the organ and helps regulate sugar metabolism. The positive effect develops after just one week. The fruit inhibits inflammation, protects liver cells from harmful substances and helps prevent cancer.
Regular consumption of grapefruit can influence or reduce the effects of certain medications. So before you include the fruit in your diet, you should consult your doctor.
Healthy people can eat grapefruit raw, ideally without sugar. Its typical taste adds a special touch to salads. The fruit combines particularly well with chicory, fennel and radicchio.
Detoxify the liver: the avocado
Die Avocadocontains important antioxidants such as glutathione. It is also low in sugar and filling. Although it is considered high in fat, it is the healthy unsaturated fatty acids. The body is not able to produce them on its own; they are absorbed through food. In addition, applyAvocados are real vitamin bombs, because they contain more than 20 different vitamins. They are also rich in minerals and fiber, which improves digestion.
However, daily consumption should be kept in moderation. One portion (around 100 g) is optimal. Eating large amounts of avocado can increase blood sugar levels. Diabetics should therefore definitely seek advice from their family doctor.
Liver detoxification with lemon
The lemon is known for its high vitamin C content. Lemon juice can not only help with a cold, but also benefits the liver. It stimulates the release of digestive enzymes, which make the vital organ's work easier. The citrus fruit also enables increased absorption of minerals and balances the pH value in the blood. Consuming a lemon daily also has a regenerating effect on the liver and promotes cell division.
You will be best served by thehealing propertiesYou can benefit from lemon if you heat the juice and drink it when you get up in the morning. Wait 30 minutes for it to take effect and then you can eat a light breakfast.
Since lemon juice contains acids that can damage tooth enamel, you should brush your teeth after each consumption.
Detoxify the liver: What do blueberries do?
Blueberries contain polyphenols, which according to studies...Reduce risk of liver cancer. They also have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Regular consumption of blueberries protects blood vessels and helps regulate blood pressure. The antioxidants this fruit contains help slow liver cirrhosis. Blueberries can also have a lot of effect on fatty liver disease. As part of a low-fat diet you support the organ and it can regress within a few months.
Foods that detoxify the liver: Other fruits that are recommended for fatty liver disease
People with fatty liver disease should primarily eat fruits that are low in sugar. Apricots, apples, all types of berries, citrus fruits such as oranges, kiwis and exotic fruits such as papaya are good for the liver. It is better to avoid sugary fruit, candied fruit and fruit puree. Fruits high in sugar such as bananas, pears, grapes and cherries should only be consumed in small quantities (50g once a week).
Vegetables to detoxify the liver
If you want to eat a varied and healthy diet, you should include vegetables in your menu and consume at least 3 portions or around 400 g daily. Almost all vegetables are allowed. Exceptions are corn and sweet potatoes, which have a high sugar content.
Artichokes to detoxify the liver
The artichokes contain valuable bitter substances that promote the formation of liver enzymes and stimulate digestion. They also improve protein metabolism - one of the important tasks that the liver fulfills. Your cells convert the amino acid and help release the energy gained into the blood in the form of fats and carbohydrates.
Chicory also contains bitter substances
Chicory also contains bitter substances and is therefore one of the vegetables that help you lose weight. Include vegetables in the menu if you have fatty liver disease. It is best to combine the chicory with oranges and apples. You can also season the salad with a dressing made from white wine vinegar and honey.
Diet for fatty liver disease: beetroot
Beetroot contains betanin – a substance known for its anti-inflammatory effects. It cleanses the blood, detoxifies the body and supports the liver. Regular consumption of the tuber also keeps blood lipid levels under control and promotes the rapid regression of the liver.
People who have kidney stones or kidney disease should not eat beets raw. The tuber is one of the foods containing oxalic acid, which prevents the absorption of calcium through food. Therefore, it is better not to eat them raw. Children and babies should also not eat the vegetables raw because they contain nitrates.
Garlic is good for the liver
Not everyone likes garlic. If the specific smell doesn't bother you, you can eat it every day. Because it contains allicin. The sulfur compound keeps blood vessels elastic and has antioxidant, antibacterial and kidney-protective properties. Garlic is also rich in selenium, a trace element that promotes the protection of cell membranes.
Garlic can influence or even block the effects of certain medications. People who have an illness and are currently being treated should definitely seek advice from a doctor. Even healthy people should keep their daily consumption within certain limits. Otherwise, you risk side effects such as heartburn or nausea.
Liver detoxification with broccoli
Broccoli is one of the vegetables that can detoxify the body. In addition, it contains mustard oil glycosides. These secondary metabolites have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. They are also said to have anti-cancer properties, although this protection has not yet been scientifically proven. Eating broccoli regularly (about 2-3 times a week) also stimulates digestion.
If you eat too much broccoli more often, you will experience a harmless side effect: flatulence.
Detoxify the liver: What other foods help?
If you have a fatty liver or want to keep your liver fit, you can also eat the following foods:
1. The following foods contain healthy proteins:
- Nuts, seeds and kernels (consume approx. 30 g daily): almonds, walnuts, pumpkin and cashew nuts, pine nuts, chia and sesame seeds.
- Legumes such as lentils, chickpeas and beans (consume 100 – 200 g twice a week)
- Eggs (three to four times a week, one egg daily)
- Feta cheese, low-fat quark, semi-hard cheese with a low fat content (maximum 100 g daily)
- Fish (once a week, 250 g) – salmon, mackerel, tuna
2. These foods are good substitutes for white bread:
- Whole grain bread, quinoa, whole grain rice
3. Vegetable cooking oils are allowed.
4. Both coffee and tea are allowed as long as they are unsweetened.
5. Meat: chicken, turkey, pork.
The right diet can relieve the strain on the liver
It's not just important what we eat, but also how we eat. It is very important, for example, to set three meals and not eat anything in between. Popular diets such as intermittent fasting can also prove helpful.
You should also eat as few sugary foods as possible. If you continue to indulge in sugar in your coffee, candied fruits or fruit puree, you are damaging your liver.
A change in diet alone cannot help with fatty liver disease. You should also exercise enough. If you treat yourself to a long walk every day, you will promote the healing process.
A healthy liver is vital for the body. The organ filters pollutants and converts proteins into energy, which it then releases into the blood. Fortunately, the liver is one of the organs that recovers quickly. Theproper nutritionis an important prerequisite for this.