Stopping the pill: What experiences can you have with your body?

As the most widely used contraceptive method, and also one of the most reliable, is theBirth control pills in a varietyavailable. But what can happen if you stop taking the pill? This can have both health benefits and disadvantages. Doctors also prescribe it to treat hormonal problems, irregular periods, and the like. However, in recent years, many women have increasingly decided to avoid it due to many physical and psychological effects. But what experiences can you have if you stop taking the pill? Here are some symptoms you might experience.

Stop taking the pill and observe your body

Before we list the most common changes that can occur after stopping the pill, you should first note that all women are different and therefore symptoms may vary. Life without pills is characterized by prolonged periods and vaginal discharge. Ovulation is accompanied by mild pain that does not occur when taking contraceptives. In addition, PMS symptoms occur and manifest themselves in bloating, abdominal and chest pain, and fluid retention. When it comes to fertility, the body gets rid of hormones very quickly once you stop taking the pill. However, this also increases the probabilityto get pregnant, quickly.

As mentioned above, the changes after stopping the pill are individual. Some women may gain weight while others may lose weight. However, it is usually a maximum of 5-6 kilos. Considering that hormones stimulate breast growth, it's no surprise that breast size may also decrease after you stop taking the pill.

Contrary to popular belief, birth control pills are not able to cure acne. In fact, they just suppress the problem without treating it. An artificial environment is created whose aim is to mask natural hormonal life in order to alter it. For this reason, women notice an improvement in skin problems when taking the pill. But once you stop, the skin returns to its natural state. Very sensitive to hormonal changes, hair can also react in certain parts of the body. In addition, stopping contraceptives can affect hair quality in the next few months.

Influence on vitamins D and B9

Abandoning contraceptives can lead to vitamin D deficiency, which is why experts point out that you should be extremely careful with your diet. The other vitamin affected is B9, also known as folic acid. It is essential for fetal development.