Uncontrollable food cravingscan be a real challenge when dieting, but luckily there are filling foods that can help combat this. Appetite is the desire to eat food, but this desire is not always associated with hunger. This condition is responsible for adequate energy intake that maintains the body's metabolic needs. So, if you are trying to follow a diet plan to lose weight but have an uncontrollable appetite, you can include the following foods in your diet to satiate the growling stomach and save yourself from unnecessary agony.
Why some filling foods act as appetite suppressants
Appetite can be stimulated by foods with good taste, smell, appearance and others without being hungry. The level also rises under stress, which easily leads to uncontrolled food intake. Feeling hungry is one of the main reasons why most people cannot stick to a diet. In addition, the restriction of thefood intake the desired weight losscomplicate. Some foods act as appetite suppressants because they are rich in fiber and water, but still low in calories. Others send a signal to the brain that you are full and don't need more food. Thanks to them, you will feel full, eat healthy and maintain your weight in the norm you prefer. The most important thing for a healthy body is a healthy diet and lifestyle. So you can stay in shape without strenuous diets, as long as you find filling foods that work for you and your body to combat cravings. Here are 11 natural appetite suppressants.
legumesandoatmealare rich in soluble fiber and complex carbohydrates (oligosaccharides). The body doesn't absorb these carbohydrates, which slows digestion and can keep you fuller for longer. Still needsMeatmore time to chew and digest, which also contributes to a feeling of satiety whileCoffeehas the ability to suppress appetite. Consuming a cup of coffee can reduce cravings for food in the short term.Green leafy vegetablessuch as broccoli, parsley, spinach and kale are rich in nutrients. It contains high doses of chlorophyll, easily digestible proteins, enzymes, vitamins and minerals.ApplesandPearsThey are also filling foods and you will not feel hungry for a long time after eating them. These fruits are rich in pectin, which keeps bad cholesterol levels low. Studies show that people who eat an apple before a meal consume 15% fewer calories.
Seeds, nuts and spices
Chia seedsslow the entry of sugar and fat into the blood, which later leads to fat accumulation.linseedcontain fiber and omega-3 fatty acids as well as many proteins. 2.5 grams of flaxseed per day also has a positive effect on appetite suppression.Cinnamonis a spice that reduces subcutaneous fat and thereby reduces weight.Nutscontain useful fats, proteins, carbohydrates with a low glycemic index and fiber, thanks to which they release energy slowly into the body and stay in the digestive system for a long time.