During Self-Care Month, Salma Hayek appeared makeup-free and sweating in the sauna in an Instagram post. What tips does one of Hollywood's hottest women have for skin and body care as they age?
How does Salma Hayek take care of her mind and body in 2023?
There is no doubt that Salma Hayek is one of Hollywood's most popular actresses and producers. Recently, the beauty of Mexican descent took to social media to show off both her glamorous side and some ordinary moments that any other woman can relate to. The 56-year-old diva has already hinted several times on Instagram thatWomen over 50Not only can they look good, but they can also feel comfortable in their own skin. In her latest photos, the star poses naked while lounging in the sauna, which prompted her fans to once again congratulate her on her sexual attractiveness and courage.
In addition, Salma Hayek demonstrates this time how she takes care of herself by going to the sauna. The hot Latina showed this by posting two photos in which she is lying naked on a wooden bench in a sauna. Just two white towels cover her chest and thighs, with the star praising the healing power of the sauna to relieve stress in the post. She wrote this in celebration of International Self-Care Month, which runs until July 24th. Other Hollywood stars such as Charlize Theron and Naomi Watts, as well as model Cindy Crawford andSinger Ricky Martinsupported Salma in this.
Use the aging process to your own advantage
Her followers immediately noticed in the photos that Salma Hayek not only looks stunning naked, but also appears very calm and relaxed. This is reportedly because she cares not only about her body but also her peace of mind. In fact, regular sauna sessions have numerous health benefits, including relaxation of the body and mind. Research results even suggest a connection between frequent sauna use and a reduced risk of mental disorders.
According to Salma Hayek, it is very important for a woman to take care of both her body and her mind. Other photos of the star show the actress enjoying the relaxed atmosphere at home in a homely setting, with tousled hair and no make-up. She shares that she never cleanses her skin in the morning, which is something her grandma taught her. According to her grandmother, at night the skin restores everything it lost during the day.
In addition, Salma Hayek likes to remove her makeup with coconut oil before going to bed. She generally values having well-nourished and moisturized skin. Another beauty tip from the star is to not overdo exfoliating. According to her, this may make a woman look good in the short term, but she doesn't think it works well in the long term.
When it comes to her age, Salma Hayek tries to remain authentic to her fans by not hiding her gray hair and wrinkles. For them, women should never be ashamed because of their age. For the actress, aging is even a “beautiful” thing. She recently shared that she doesn't feel like she's lost any flexibility, mobility, or even strength over the years. Salma Hayek even thinks it's nice that she's getting older.