3D wooden elements on vertical bars as room dividers or sun protection

Sun protection for windows is a very important issue, not just in the hot summer. Some products are also a good option for creative design. The wooden sun protection, for example, is chic and functional and can be optimally integrated into any furnishings and sets beautiful accents. The 3D wooden elements that we would like to introduce to you in today's article are an attractive and contemporary alternative to wooden blinds and wooden slats. They are designed by the talented American designer Elish Warlop. With her creations she tries to interpret the paradox between stillness and movement.

3D wooden elements in a diamond design as privacy protection

The 3D wooden elements in a diamond design are attached to vertical steel cables. Each pole can also be rotated so that you can direct the daylight in the desired direction. The designer was inspiredfrom the concept of tiling, where different tiles share edge points and can work together to create a flat plane. The construction can also serve as an opaque privacy screen in the evening. They are ideal for shielding large glass fronts, as shown in the example.

The 3D wooden elements look very stylish and not just because of their shape. They are made of high-quality walnut wood, which is characterized by a pleasant dark wood tone. The color varies from dark brown to black-brown tones. The visual counterpoint to the solid wooden material is formed by delicate but hard steel cables. The composition of wood and steel gives every room a dynamic and at the same time warming look.

as a room divider

The wood-steel construction is ideal not only as privacy and sun protection, but can also be useduse as a room divider. Depending on the angle of rotation, the 3D wooden elements can separate or connect rooms from one another. The design fits into a country house as well as a modern apartment. Combined with a yellow-green sofa and taupe floor tiles, a particularly harmonious ambience is created. See for yourself.

Those:Elish Warlop Design Studio