A new study found that when people reduce their consumption of salt, their blood pressure or existing hypertension decreases. Those who have not yet been at risk can also benefit. The research also showed that theHigh blood pressure decreases the more, the more sodium you take out of your diet.
Reduce salt and prevent heart problems
Most people benefit from eating less salt by lowering blood pressure. The less salt you eat, the more your chances of better heart health increase. For older people and those who already have high blood pressure, the effect is even greater, according to the researchers. A low oneSalt intake through a dietSo over a longer period of time could probably lead to a reduction in cardiovascular problems.
Researchers conducted the most recent systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials as part of an international collaboration. In them they have the effects of aReducing salt intakechecked for blood pressure. Lead author Polly Huang said that while there was consensus among health and scientific organizations about reducing salt consumption in the general population, some believe it has little value for people with normal blood pressure.
“Our study showed that the benefits of reducing salt intake are visible across the board. However, if you are older, already have high blood pressure and are therefore at higher risk of related conditions such as stroke and heart disease, an even greater effect on blood pressure is possible from the same amount of salt reduction. “
Study results
High blood pressure is a leading cause of premature death from stroke or heart disease. Additionally, too much salt in the diet is one of the main culprits. At around 9g per day, the average salt intake is almost twice the WHO recommendations (5g per day). Globally, excessive salt consumption is estimated to cause approximately three million deaths each year.
Huang said the effects of salt reduction were more evident with higher blood pressure levels in older age. However, almost every population group studied achieved a reduction in blood pressure. More importantly, salt reduction in people with normal blood pressure may potentially prevent or delay the development of high blood pressure as we age.
The results of theStudywould make the case for increasing population-wide salt intake as an important public health strategy for lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of stroke and heart disease.