Strokes and heart attacksare among the most common causes of death. And the fact that brushing your teeth as part of normal, everyday hygiene could reduce the risk sounds very practical. A new toothpaste developed in the USA is said to prevent both heart attacks and strokes.
How can you prevent strokes with toothpaste? “Plaque HD®” is a product that colors the plaque on the teeth when brushing and thus indicates where further brushing needs to be done. But what does this have to do with the risk of stroke and heart attack? And it's not the toothpaste directly, but proper oral hygiene that reduces the risk.
Prevent heart attacks and strokes with proper oral hygiene
Scientists have long warned that poor oral hygiene can also affect the rest of the body. Inflammation can occur. The bacteria that cause these mouth infections migrate further into the body and promote the development of other diseases. These possible diseases also include hardening of the arteries, which in turn promotes strokes and heart attacks. Hardening of the arteries means nothing more than deposits on the inner vessel walls.
So you can do thatReduce riskand prevent a stroke and heart attack by brushing your teeth properly and thus avoiding the development of inflammation caused by bacteria. Since many people don't take oral hygiene seriously enough, be it due to everyday stress or simply convenience, researchers have developed Plaque HD. It is intended to motivate you to brush until your teeth are really clean. The bonus is that you'll probably also prevent a heart attack and stroke in the process. But how exactly does toothpaste do this?
The toothpaste has a coloring property that stains those areas of the teeth that are not yet clean while brushing. Only when the harmful plaque has been brushed away does the color disappear with it. The result is that your teeth are cleaner and you may even be able to prevent a heart attack and stroke. But researchers at Florida Atlantic University tested participants over a period of 30 days to find out whether this really motivates them to scrub for longer and whether this is enough to prevent inflammation and thus heart attacks and strokes.
Half of them brushed their teeth twice a day with the new, coloring toothpaste. The other group used another one without a coloring effect instead. At the end of the test period, the researchers found that the inflammation levels in the first group were lower than at the beginning of the test. The difference was particularly large among participants whose inflammation levels were elevated at the start. This shows that it actually makes a difference what type of toothpaste you use and that a coloring product leads to a more thorough teeth cleaning. Overall, the toothpaste should ensure that four times more plaque is removed than usual.
Next, the researchers want to conduct further studies to determine whether this result is also related to heart attacks and strokes. By the way, you can also use conventional plaque staining tablets to improve your oral hygiene. And if you also prevent a heart attack or stroke, even better!
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