In recent years, Swedish bitters have been celebrated primarily as a digestive aid. But the herbal drink can do much more: it helps with colds, among other thingsPain in osteoarthritisrelieve and detoxify the liver. We will give you an overview of the numerous possible uses, explain to you how to take Swedish bitters and take a closer look at the possible side effects of the natural remedy. And if you would like to make Swedish bitters yourself, then you can find many tips in the article on how to choose the right Swedish herbs and prepare the Swedish bitters.
Take Swedish bitters: The recipe for this natural remedy was already popular in the Middle Ages
TheRecipe for the herbal mixturewas first compiled by chemist Urban Hjärne. At that time he even received permission to sell his natural remedy in pharmacies. The Swedish bitter enjoyed great popularity for a long time, but then fell into oblivion. In the 18th century, the Swedish doctor Claus Samt rediscovered the recipe in a family recipe book. It was Maria Treben, a self-taught herbalist from Austria, who made Swedish bitters a world-famous natural remedy. In her book “Health from God's Pharmacy,” Treben dealt with topics such as healing with natural remedies and examined the effects of various herbs.
In the years to come, however, she was criticized for some of the statements she made in her book. It has been claimed that Swedish bitters also contain carcinogenic ingredients such as camphor. However, doctors later determined that it was white camphor, which is considered harmless to health. Although yellow and brown camphor contain the carcinogenic substance safrole, they are not contained in the Swedish bitters sold in pharmacies. The basic recipe also only contains white camphor.
Swedish bitters recipe according to Maria Treben: The Swedish herbs and their effects at a glance
The basic recipe for Swedish bitters contains a mix of the following herbs, which are often referred to as Swedish herbs in the trade:Aloe Vera, myrrh, senna leaves, rhubarb root, saffron, camphor, zittwer root, manna cannelata, theriak venezian, boar root and angelica root. These 11 Swedish herbs have a strong taste and a quick effect. The herbal drink prepared from it is called small Swedish bitter. There is another recipe in which nutmeg, larch sponge, tormentill, cabergail, calamus and silica are also added. The Swedish bitter, which also contains these herbs, has a mild taste and a correspondingly milder effect. It is called the great Swedish bitter.
Why take Swedish bitters? We give you an overview of the effects of the individual herbs and ingredients:
- The clay can balance the acid-base ratio in the stomach.
- Herbs such as angelica, boar root or zittwer root can help with heartburn.
- Aloe vera, nutmeg and theriac have a soothing and regenerating effect and can help with skin problems. These herbs also promote faster wound healing.
- Bibergail can relax muscle tension and cramps and relieve stomach pain. The medicinal herb also works against headaches.
- Some symptoms that are typical of colds and upper respiratory tract diseases can also be easily alleviated with Swedish bitters. Myrrh, camphor and boar root help against coughs and colds.
The different herbs must be dosed very precisely to achieve an optimal effect. That's why, to be on the safe side, you should buy a ready-made herbal mix from the pharmacy.
It is also advisable to consult a doctor first. He can best estimate what effect the herbal mix will have on his patient.
Taking Swedish bitters: External use and dosage
Depending on which complaint you want to alleviate, you can use Swedish bitters internally or externally.
1. External use:Caution is advised when using externally. Since the herbal drink is made with alcohol, it is only partially suitable for sensitive skin. Neither a burn nor a sunburn can be treated with this. However, it can have a positive effect on certain skin rashes and improve the complexion. If you use Swedish bitters externally, you should also know that the herbal mix can discolor the skin.
As a rule, you can use the herbal drink undiluted if you want to use it to heal inflammation of the gums or wounds. If you want to place a poultice on a specific area (for example, to relieve arthritis pain), then you should first dilute the Swedish bitters with water. A solution of 1/2 teaspoon Swedish bitters and 1/2 teaspoon water proves to be optimal. First apply a layer of ointment to protect the skin from drying out. Then soak several cotton pads in the diluted Swedish bitters. Make sure the cotton pads are damp but not dripping wet. Cover the area with foil and let the Swedish bitters work for 10-20 minutes. If the herbal mix does not cause an allergic reaction, you can let the Swedish bitters work for 1 hour next time.
If you suffer from cold feet and hands, you can simply rub undiluted Swedish bitters into your skin 1-2 times a day. If you are satisfied with the results, after 1-2 weeks you can stimulate the circulation with Swedish bitters once a day, preferably in the evening.
Taking Swedish bitters: internal use and dosage
2. Internal use:Swedish bitters are traditionally taken twice a day. For flatulence, stomach problems and digestive problems, take 1 teaspoon of Swedish bitters in the morning and evening after eating. Optionally, you can dilute 20 – 30 drops of Swedish bitters with tea, juice or water and consume it directly after eating.
Since Swedish bitters promote digestion and circulation, it is often taken as a natural aid for weight loss. Their bitter taste suppresses the feeling of hunger and at the same time stimulates the metabolism. Athletes or bodybuilders can also take 1 teaspoon of Swedish bitters before training to promote fat loss and muscle building.
For colds, you should take 2-3 teaspoons of undiluted Swedish bitters 3-4 times a day. Since this is an intensive healing process, you should take a break after two weeks. And be careful: If you are taking other medications such as antibiotics, you should definitely talk to your doctor before treating yourself. Alcohol can weaken the effect of antibiotics and, even in small quantities, is harmful to the liver when combined with antibiotics. In addition, alcohol consumption can lead to the so-called antabuse effect. Those affected cannot break down the alcohol and suffer from severe headaches, nausea and arrhythmia. An alternative is the alcohol-free herbal mix.
Taking Swedish bitters: Are there any side effects?
Although Swedish bitters is celebrated as a natural remedy, it does have side effects. As already mentioned, pregnant women, allergy sufferers, asthmatics and people who take certain medications should avoid its beneficial effects. Everyone else should be aware of the potential side effects. These include, for example, diarrhea and nausea. If they occur as a result of therapy with Swedish bitters, then this is a sure sign that you have exceeded the daily dose or that you should reduce it. In some cases it helps if you dilute the Swedish bitters with water. If you bought a small Swedish bitter, you can replace it with a large Swedish bitter. It contains more herbs and has a milder effect.
If you treat your skin with Swedish bitters for too long, it can dry out. Other side effects, especially in people with sensitive skin, include itching and redness of the skin. To avoid drying out, you can apply ointments to the skin.
Recipe for Swedish bitters: This is how you make the natural remedy yourself
You don't necessarily have to buy Swedish bitters as a ready-made herbal drink, you can also make it yourself. All you need is Swedish herbs for Swedish bitters from the pharmacy and high-proof alcohol. Swedish bitters are usually prepared with schnapps. It can also be prepared with vodka or wine with an alcohol content of around 40%. Simply put the Swedish herbs with the alcohol in a bottle with a wide neck and place it in the sun or next to the heater. Stir the herbal drink daily. After 15 days the Swedish bitter is ready and all you need to do is strain it and fill it into opaque bottles. Store the homemade Swedish bitters in a dark and cool place (but not in the refrigerator!).
Make your own alcohol-free Swedish bitters as a concentrate
Swedish bitters are prepared according to the basic recipe with alcohol. However, in pharmacies you can find a second variant, namely the alcohol-free Swedish bitter, as a concentrate. This alternative is also suitable for children, alcohol addicts or people with illnesses that do not allow alcohol consumption. Pregnant women should avoid Swedish bitters because some herbs can trigger early labor. But for everyone else who doesn't want to miss out on the healing effects of Swedish bitters, the alcohol-free version is ideal. It is mostly sold as a concentrate. Most manufacturers then prescribe adding one to two drops to a cup of tea, juice or water, depending on the symptoms. The solution should then be drunk within an hour. You can drink the dilution up to three times a day.
Of course you can make the alcohol-free Swedish bitters yourself. Apple cider vinegar is particularly popular as a substitute for alcohol. It is ideal because it can preserve the herbal drink in a similar way to alcohol. However, the shelf life of the alcohol-free Swedish bitters is shorter compared to that of the alcohol-containing remedy. This is how the concentrate is prepared: First, briefly boil 300 ml of apple cider vinegar, remove it from the heat, set the pot aside and let the apple cider vinegar cool to room temperature. In the meantime, put 100 g of herb mix in a clean and dry mason jar and pour the apple cider vinegar over it. Close the jar and place it in a warm place. In contrast to alcoholic Swedish bitters, which are placed in the sun, you should never place the prepared Swedish herbs directly in the sun. Furthermore, you must not open the jar and stir it, but simply shake it once a day. After four to six weeks, you can strain the liquid and pour it into opaque bottles. Don't forget to write the manufacturing date on the bottle. As a rule, such a non-alcoholic Swedish bitter can be kept unopened for 2-3 months and opened for up to a week.