Investigations have found new information about when the metabolism is slowing down in old age and is responsible for an enlarged waist. The results show that the speed, with humansBurn calories, actually reached its peak much earlier. In addition, the inevitable decline in calorie consumption begins later in life than previously assumed.
Weight gain due to slow metabolism in old age
The new research work shows that the long -cherished ideas about metabolism may be wrong in old age. The study authors wanted to understand how the human body changes in the course of life. The international team of scientists analyzed the average calorie consumption of more than 6,600 people aged 1 week to 95 years from 29 countries who went down in their daily life. The so -called basic metabolism (GU), also called basal metabolic rate, is the largest part of the number of calories that burn people every day. This is about two thirds of daily energy consumption. The research team found that energy consumption in old age has a major impact on understanding human biology, including the course of the disease and the need for nutrition. Earlier research show that puberty is the time when the GU really gets in full swing. However, the current study showed that infants have the highest metabolic rates of all age groups.
The energy requirement is very intense in the first 12 months of life, and a child burns calories for his height 50 percent faster than an adult on his first birthday. After the upswing in infancy, the data show that the metabolism slowed by around 3 percent each year. This continues until children reach their teen age and levels the metabolism level out on a new standard. Several factors could explain the extension of the waist, which were associated with the later adulthood. However, the current data indicate that slow metabolism does not include. The researchers found that the energy consumption between 20 and 50 years was most stable. Even during pregnancy, a woman's calorie requirement was not higher or lower than expected given the additional weight of a growing baby.This studyFinally, shows that the metabolism only decreases significantly after the age of 60.