Losing weight, defining your body and building muscle – these are probably the most common reasons why most of us exercise. No matter what our goal is right now,the calorie consumption during trainingalways plays a very important role on the way to our dream figure. While that doesn't necessarily mean we have to count every single calorie and drive ourselves crazy, it's not a bad thing to know roughly how much we're burning. How can you burn 1000 calories - this question has been asked at least once by all those who want to lose weight as quickly as possible. You've just completed a super strenuous workout and are sweating hard and yet the sports watch shows that you've only burned 200-300 calories - does that sound familiar? If yes, then you have come to the right place! In our article we will tell you which exercises have the highest calorie consumption, how you can burn 1000 calories during training and many tips!
Our bodies burn calories all day long - even when we're relaxing on the sofa and watching our favorite series. But if you want to burn 1,000 calories, you'll need to become a little more active - ideally with more intense workouts. However, we have to make one thing clear - in order to lose weight and achieve lasting results, we should pay attention to our diet in addition to exercise. 1000 calories is actually a lot of calories and a pretty serious challenge. Whether at home or in the gym - it is entirely possible, but requires an incredibly high level of discipline and of course a greater investment of time.
What influences our calorie consumption?
Whether and how quickly we burn 1000 calories depends on different components. We can only lose weight if our energy balance is low, or in other words - we take in fewer calories than we burn. While some of the factors cannot be influenced, others depend on ourselves. Below we will explain to you what plays a crucial role in calorie consumption.
- Weight -That's actually quite logical. Just think about it – it takes more energy to move a heavier object, right? The same applies to our bodies. A person who weighs 80 kilograms will burn quite a few more calories with the same intensity and duration of exercise than someone who weighs 60 kilograms. So making a blanket statement about burning 1,000 calories while exercising may not work the same for everyone.
- Your fitness level –The fitter we are and the more sports experience we have, the more effectively our fat metabolism works. For this reason, the calorie consumption of professional athletes is almost twice as high as that of a beginner.
- Gender -And now we have to disappoint you - men have a higher percentage of muscle mass than women. And since muscles generally use more energy, men burn many more calories than women for the same intensity and duration of exercise. So next time you come inPartner Workoutand your friend actually hits the 1000 calorie mark, don't be upset about it.
- Alter –Aging is a natural process and muscle mass decreases with age. The result is then lower calorie consumption.
- Genetic –We all have that one friend who can eat anything without gaining a single pound. If you are blessed with good genes, you can burn 1000 calories much faster, whereas for others this would be an almost impossible task.
Is it healthy to burn 1000 calories while exercising?
Burning 1000 calories in an hour – that would be nice, right? Actually, such a strenuous workout is not recommended for everyone and should only be carried out after consulting an experienced fitness trainer or nutritionist. Too much exercise without adequate rest can lead to overtraining in some cases. This means that the body cannot fully regenerate and recover, which means our performance decreases with the next training session. Burning too many calories combined with low calorie intake can lead to metabolic disorders, cardiovascular disease and nervous disorders. So if you want to burn 1000 calories, you should definitely eat more. In addition, very intense and long training can cause burnout or injuries. Therefore, it is important to plan rest days between workouts or break the training session into shorter sessions.
1000 calorie burn workout: These exercises have the highest calorie consumption
How to burn 1000 calories in an hour? Intense workouts that get our heart rate up are a great and efficient way to achieve this goal. For example, let's compare jogging to walking - you'll burn more calories in a 20-minute running session than if you walked at a moderate pace for the same duration. However, in order for us to be able to continue training, it should be fun first and foremost. If you have a high intensityHIIT TrainingIf you do something that you don't enjoy, it doesn't serve the purpose. Below you will find the sports that burn the most calories - maybe there is something for you.
- To swimis an excellent exercise that burns energy while improving muscle strength, blood circulation, and lung and heart health. 30 minutes of swimming burns about as many calories as 30 minutes on the treadmill, but puts less strain on the body. Depending on your weight and training intensity, an hour of swimming burns between 700 and 800 calories.
- Ergometer –Do you find running on the treadmill quite boring and monotonous? Then try the ergometer instead. The latest models allow you to enter directly into the computer how long you want to exercise and how many calories you want to burn during exercise. With a load of around 150 watts, you can burn around 800 calories in an hour. Alternating between high and low intensity intervals is another option to increase calorie burn.
- The Sprint –We all know that jogging is one of the highest calorie burning exercises. The faster we run, the higher the calorie consumption. If you want to burn 1000 calories, you should include HIIT sprints in your workout. They use up an incredible amount of energy and are ideal for those days when you don't have much time to exercise. When you reach the limits of your physical endurance and can barely breathe, sprint.
High-intensity HIIT training will shed the pounds
If you are into sports, then you most likely have fromHIIT Trainingsheard. High-intensity interval training consists of short but very intense exercises that ensure effective fat loss and increased muscle building. Although HIIT training usually lasts 20 to 30 minutes, it can burn fat twice as effectively as, for example, 1 hour on the treadmill or cross trainer. The biggest advantage of the training method, however, is the so-called afterburn effect. Depending on the intensity, the body works at full speed even after training, which means that calories continue to be burned. According to a scientific study, HIIT workouts increase calorie consumption by up to 20%. That means if you burned 600 calories during your workout, you'll burn at least 100 more afterwards - even if you're lying on the couch.
Do you want to burn 1000 calories at home? Then we have the ultimate training plan for a whole week for you! It consists of classic, high-intensity exercises such as burpees, high knees, jumping jacks or jumping rope. Each workout consists of a circuit that lasts approximately 30 minutes and must be repeated a total of two times. Rest for 1 minute between each round by running in place at a moderate pace. Depending on your weight and intensity, you will burn around 900-1000 calories. And the best part? You don't need any special equipment for this! So let's get started!
- Burpees and jumping jacks for 3 minutes each with no break in between
- Classic squat with jump and jump rope for 4 minutes each without rest in between
- Crunches and sit-ups for 3 minutes each without a break
- High knees and mountain climbers for 5 minutes with no rest in between
- Do crunches, sit-ups and push-ups for 3 minutes each with no rest in between
- High knees and jumping jacks for 3 minutes each
- Plank Jacks and Speed Skaters for 3 minutes. For the speed skaters, place your feet hip-width apart. From the center, alternately hop to the left, landing on the left foot and crossing the right diagonally, and jump to the right.
- Jump lunges and jump sumo squats for 4 minutes each.
- Sprint in place for 3 minutes
Wednesday -Today you can choose some of the following activities and do them for 1 hour. Choose between swimming, jogging,Jump ropeor hula hoop exercises.
Thursday -Two of the following combinations must be performed for 20 minutes each, with 20 seconds rest between exercises.
- Burpees with push-ups, high knees, dynamic plank, jumping jacks with sumo squats, mountain climbers, speed skaters
- 20 minutes of jumping rope
Freitagis a rest day.
- 20 minutes of jumping rope
- 20 minutes jogging
- High knees, jumping jacks, jump squats, sprinting in place and push-ups for 4 minutes each
Sundayis a rest day.
Here's how you can burn 1000 calories in an hour
It doesn't have to be the super workout presented if you want to burn 1000 calories. There's another way - below you'll find a mix of strength and cardio exercises that are just as effective and strenuous. However, the only catch is that you are not allowed to take a break between exercises. The fewer breaks we include in our workouts, the longer our heart rate stays elevated, which also increases calorie consumption. With the high number of repetitions, it's quite challenging and stimulates both endurance and muscle building.
- 100 Jumping Jacks (Hampelmänner)
- 80 Crunches
- 100 squats
- 30 push-ups
- 15 Burpees
- 50 Jumping Jacks
- 40 High knees
- 30 Crunches
- 2 minute wall sit
- 1 Minute Low Plank