Tightness, chest or stomach pain, and shortness of breath are signs of a heart attack. However, the life-threatening condition is not always recognized in time, because the so-called silent heart attack is often completely symptom-free. It is considered particularly dangerous because its consequences only become apparent after many years.
Silent heart attack: Particularly dangerous if it goes unnoticed
A silent heart attack usually has atypical symptoms and is not recognized as a heart attack by those affected. Dizziness, fatigue, and sleepiness are not usually associated with heart problems. If left unnoticed, it can lead to sudden cardiac arrest months or even years later. It occurs suddenly and without any symptoms and is one of the most common causes of death among patients with heart disease. That's why doctors recommend that people with diabetes, high blood pressure or relatives who have ita heart diseasesuffer, have it checked regularly.
Studies claim it could lead to sudden cardiac arrest
A study published in the American Heart Journal in 2010 claims that at least 30% of all deaths are due to a silent heart attack. Eight years later, researchers at Oulu University in Finland came to similar results. As part of a study, they were able to examine over 7,000 deaths. Around 60% of the patients suffered from heart disease, the other 40% died from sudden cardiac arrest. The majority of these 40% were found to have scars in their hearts that indicated a silent heart attack. In any case, it remained unclear how big the scars were. However, the scientists were able to come to the conclusion that silent heart attacks have not been sufficiently researched and that further studies are necessary. In the best case scenario, it is hoped that a majority of deaths could be prevented if patients can be diagnosed in a timely manner.
About the study inAmerican Heart Journaland the study inJama Network