Prevent heart attack: Is fish oil suitable as a prevention against sudden cardiac death?

A sudden cardiac death quickly arrives: First it is severe cardiac arrhythmias, in a few minutes the cardiac arrest follows. The cause of around 80% of all cases is the heart attack that triggers the subsequent cardiac arrhythmias. But what could you do about it? Numerous prevention measures are recommended by the doctors, a new study now wants to prove that fish oil could also protect against a heart attack.

Prevent heart attack: Omega-3 fatty acids are important for prevention

The Italian research group Gissi has analyzed statistics in relation to cases with sudden cardiac death and found that in countries where thePeople consume fish regularly, the heart diseases are much less common than in countries where fish is rarely on the table. As part of the study, the doctors read the medical records of more than 11,000 patients, examined them and given a quarter of them a capsule from the medication Grandomacor, which contains concentrated omega-3 fatty acids. In this case, it is not a dietary supplement, but a medicine that can only be prescribed by the doctor and which is highly cleaned. It was found that in this group the frequency of cases with sudden cardiac death and heart attack has dropped significantly. Researchers and doctors claim that the fish oil keeps the vessels open in the heart and is therefore suitable as a preventive measure.

Consume more fish oil

As part of another study carried out by researchers from the Medical Faculty at the University of Harvard, patients received the drug icosapent ethyl. The results showed that the drug from fish oil derivatives could protect against cardiovascular diseases.

Whether and in what form the fish oil asPart of the preventive measuresis used, at least depends on the doctor. It can best assess whether a certain diet is to be held, whether medication has to be taken or food supplements can supply the body with the important omega-3 fatty acids.