Increase environmental protection awareness: From now on, buyers have to pay the thin plastic bags in the Aldi


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From now on, buyers have to pay the thin plastic bags in the Aldi. The discounter will sell the plastic bag at a symbolic price of 1 eurocent. The reason: According to statistics, buyers used and ejected more than three billion bags last year alone. The majority of customers not only bought the shirt bags, but simply packed the purchases into the thin, free fruit and vegetable bags. The plastics not only pollute the environment, but also promote the disposable culture.

Increase environmental protection awareness: Looking for alternatives to the plastic bags

In order to increase environmental awareness, many supermarket chains have decided to replace the plastic bags with paper bags. Other alternative have also been discussed: in the future, for example, the customer in the supermarkets should also be able to carry their purchases in vegetable networks. The vegetable networks are made of fabric or binding and can be used several times. Another variant would be to have the plastic bags made of biodegradable plastics. These so -calledOrganic plasticsare mostly made from genetically modified raw materials such as corn and sugar cane.

The competition had already taken measures


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Incidentally, the competition has already introduced similar environmental protection measures: From spring 2017, the plastic bags will be banished in Lidl, instead, only bags from biodegradable substances are sold. The company was able to save more than 3000 tons of plastic annually. The Real supermarket chain also spoke up two months ago and promised to replace the plastic with paper bags. With this step, 65,000Plastic bags less pollute the environment. But not everyone agreed whether this step would really have a positive impact on the environment. Critics commented and warned that more resources are used in the production of paper bags. That is why paper bags are actually more suitable as a reusable alternative than reciprocal bags.

The long-term effect of the new measures will really have on plastic bag consumption will be shown. But one thing is certain: We, as a buyer, are jointly responsible and should definitely act environmentally consciously.