If you are a sustainable gardener, you should definitely try these clever options: Find out how to use old wine corks in the garden below!
Improve drainage and prevent waterlogging with corks
Use wine corks to replace the commonly used stones to line the bottom of planters: A good way to improve drainage is to use corks when planting your plants in pots. To avoid waterlogging, place pieces of cork at the bottom of your pots. To prepare the soil, first break the wine corks into smaller pieces and place them in the soil. The excess water can be drained away by creating a drainage layer.
If you don't want to crush the corks, that's okay too. To save space and use less compost, simply place a handful of wine corks in the bottom of each new pot before planting.
@cocoxcomerI wanted to share this handy tip. Save your corks, save your veggies, and save the#diy #howto #garden #winecorkscraft #diy #goinggreen ♬ original sound – Coco | Comer
Ventilation from the floor with corks
Every part of gardening can benefit from aeration: For healthy plant growth, it is crucial that the soil is aerated, as this facilitates the roots' breathing and promotes the absorption of water and nutrients. Wine corks, which leave tiny holes in the bottom, can help speed up this process. Soil aeration can be achieved by incorporating tiny pieces of crushed wine corks into the soil. This significantly improves drainage and aeration of the soil, especially in heavy or compacted soils.
Do not throw away old wine corks and use them as mulch
You can use wine corks as mulch: Do not use plastic corks for this. Cut them into small pieces with a knife or scissors and spread the cork pieces evenly over the soil. Soil health, water retention and weed control are improved by cork decomposition.
Make your own plant markers
Wine corks can be used as plant markers if you want to label plants with their names. Insert a wooden skewer into the cork and write the plant's name on it with a permanent marker. Then insert the cork into the soil next to your plant.
@mamastylesaverDIY is always my fave!#DIY #diyprojects #diyprojectideas #winecorkcraft #winecork #gardeningideas #frugalhacks #moneysavingtips #moneysaver ♬ Run Free (Original Mix) – Deep Chills
DIY Blumenstecker
A cute DIY idea is flower studs that look like little fairy houses. Use pinecone scales for the roof and some moss for decoration. These charming garden stakes are perfect for flower pots on the patio and add a magical touch.
Keep pests away
One option is to use wine corks to keep pests away. Whether you want to stop your neighbor's cat from using your pots as a toilet or you're looking for a natural way to keep slugs and other pests like ants away from your plants, corks are a great choice.
Corks are great for deterring certain pests from getting to your plants. Their scent and texture can deter certain plant pests. Scatter pieces of cork on the stem of the plants,to ward off snails. Because they are less likely to break through this barrier, your plants are safer.
Good air circulation around the root ball of potted plants is best achieved when they are placed on an elevated surface. This also makes it more difficult for the ants to enter through the pot's drainage holes. Therefore, place half-cut corks under the plant with the flat side facing down.
Help preserve bees
Bees can actually die in containers with standing water, such as birdbaths or rain barrels. With a few corks they have a safe place to land.
Build a birdhouse
Although not necessarily intended for gardening purposes, woulda charming cork birdhouselook perfect in your garden.
Cover photo: Diana Taliun/Shutterstock