Vacationers in Spain infected with the Chikungunya virus: The tiger mosquito transmits the disease

For the first time, holidaymakers in Spain were infected with the chikungunya virus. The disease, which is particularly widespread in tropical areas, is only transmitted by the tiger mosquito. Unlike other cases imported from African and Asian countries, this is a local infection. The doctors assume that the dangerous mosquitoes were accidentally transported to Spain with goods. There were similar outbreaks in France and Italy a year ago. Now a family of four who returned from Costa Blanca a month ago are affected. Due to the incubation period, doctors were able to determine that they were infected while on vacation. The patients are being treated successfully, the health authority in Spain is informed and has already taken preventive measures.

Chikungunya virus: the symptoms of the fever illness

The symptoms of feverish illness are reminiscent ofa flu: Patients suffer from weakness, fever and joint pain. After a week, most people are healthy again, deaths are very rare, and the disease does not have any long-term effects. Complications could occur, especially in people with a weak immune system, pregnant women and babies. There is currently no vaccination and no therapy; those affected are treated symptomatically.

Preventive measures

There is currently no risk of an outbreak in Germany as the Asian tiger mosquito is present in limited numbers. That's why the authorities at the Federal Environment Agency estimate the risk of transmitting the tropical disease to be rather low. Also the planned oneVacation to Spain, Italy or Franceyou shouldn't cancel. For otherwise healthy people, insect repellent is sufficient as a preventive measure. To be on the safe side, people who suffer from illnesses, as well as pregnant women and families with babies under one year of age, can seek advice from their family doctor before departure.

Doctors and scientists report that more and more typical tropical diseases have spread to Europe in recent years. There are many reasons for this: on the one hand, increased migration and the transport of goods contribute to this, and on the other hand, many insects can find new habitats due to global warming.