Wondering how to remove blood from clothes, bedding or even the mattress? You are not alone in this. Menstrual stains can be seen everywhere - in underwear as well as on jeans, towels and much more. And if your period unexpectedly starts flowing while you're out or sleeping, you'll likely be dealing with a dried blood spot. The good news is that there are a number of effective ways to remove blood stains. We'll show you some proven methods for getting both fresh and dried blood out of clothing and other textiles.
Is menstrual blood different than normal blood?
During their period, women have to expect a lot: from theRelief from annoying menstrual crampsright through to a constant supply of hygiene products just in case. But have you ever wondered what exactly menstrual blood is made of? Sure, there's normal blood, but that's not the only ingredient. Period blood consists of thickened cells in the lining of the uterus that fall off when there is no pregnancy, blood from the arteries in the uterus, and sometimes blood clots. In addition, the canColor of period bloodreveal a lot about your menstruation. But one thing is for sure - just like normal blood, it leaves unsightly blood stains that require special treatment to be completely removed.
Remove period blood stains with home remedies
While period spots can be frustrating, there's nothing to be ashamed of. Sometimes menstrual blood leaves a mark, even if you think you are adequately protected. Here are the most common household remedies you can use to get period stains out of yourRemove clothing and beddingcan.
Ice cold water
Rule #1 when dealing with blood stains is: Never use hot water! A soothing, warm bubble bath or steamy shower may work wonders for cramps, but after treatment with warm water, the period stain will set into the fabric and become even harder to remove.
For menstrual spots, cold, even ice-cold water is the ideal starting point before using other remedies. As soon as you notice the stain, run the garment under cold water to remove the blood as much as possible. Wait 10-15 minutes and then assess what remains of the stain.
Hydrogen peroxide
If the stained garment is light in color, you can try the following: Apply some hydrogen peroxide to the stain, let it sit for 30 minutes, then gently rub it into the fabric with a damp cloth or brush. Then rinse the garment with water and the stain should be gone.
White vinegar for blood stains
Many people swear by this common kitchen product and its good cleaning power. To remove blood stains with vinegar, pour some of the home remedy on it (you can also mix it with a little soap). After about 10 - 15 minutes of exposure time, carefully rub the stain with a damp towel and repeat the process if necessary. Then the garment can simply be cleaned in a normal wash cycle.
lemon juice
The natural acidity of lemon can be a real secret weapon against stubborn stains. Squeeze fresh lemon juice onto the stain and let it sit for five minutes. Then use a damp cloth and continue rubbing the juice into the fabric. This method is also more suitable for lighter clothing, as the lemon juice can potentially cause a fading effect on dark fabrics.
Treat blood stains with salt
For both light and darker fabrics, regular table salt can be an excellent way to get the stain out. This home remedy can remove stubborn stains like blood and restore your clothes and bedding to their original shine. To do this, make a 2:1 mixture of water and salt, apply it to the stained area and gently scrub the fabric with a wet cloth before putting the garment or sheet in the washing machine.
Baking soda or crushed aspirin
To dissolve the menstrual spot, you can also use the miracle cure baking soda. Mix baking soda with cold water and apply the paste to the fabric by rubbing gently. Leave the paste on for at least 30 minutes and then wash the garment in the washing machine on a normal setting. The same method and applicationalso works with crushed aspirin tablets.
Here's how you can prevent period stains
To prevent blood stains, the first thing you should do is get to know your period. For this, you can use cycle apps that will help you track menstruation.
To avoid leakage at night, wear special night pads while sleeping. If you switch to tampons or menstrual cups, the chances of blood stains are even lower.
You can also wear special menstrual underwear during your periodBlood stains on your clothesTo say goodbye. Not only is this option more convenient, but it also drastically reduces single-use waste.